Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2014-12-11 ILC Chapel — Blessings of Christ’s coming: 3…

2014 Chapels -
Blessings of Christ’s coming: 3 choir pieces.


Date : 2014-12-11
Speaker : John Reim

Hymn: TLH 90, st. 1,4,5 :
Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising — Organ Audio

1. Come, your hearts and voices raising,
Christ the Lord with gladness praising;
Loudly sing His love amazing,
Worthy folk of Christendom.

4. Christ, from heaven to us descending
And in love our race befriending,
In our need His help extending,
Saved us from the wily Foe.

5. Jacob’s Star in all its splendor
Beams with comfort sweet and tender,
Forcing Satan to surrender,
Breaking all the powers of hell.