Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2008-09-15 ILC Chapel — A humble person does not…

A humble person does not seek to draw attention to self. Don’t draw attention to yourself by immodest dress. Make God the focus of attention.


Date : 2008-09-15
Speaker : Professor John Pfeiffer

1 Samuel 16:7 (Listen)

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (ESV)

Hymn : TLH 398 st. 3,4: Renew me, O Eternal Light link

3. Create in me a new heart, Lord, 
That gladly I obey Thy Word 
And naught but what Thou wilt, desire; 
With such new life my soul inspire. 

4. Grant that I only Thee may love 
And seek those things which are above 
Till I behold Thee face to face, 
O Light eternal, through Thy grace. 

2008 Chapels -