Faith & Worship
Immanuel: God With Us

At Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the heart of our education. The Gospel declares to us sinners that we are forgiven because the Son of God gave Himself as the sacrifice for sin. Because God accepted this payment for our debt, the Gospel tells us that we are justified — declared eternally righteous for Jesus’ sake. For this reason, we have free access to the throne of God both here on earth and forever in heaven.
It is the Gospel that pumps the lifeblood of God to the whole body of our school. This heart remains ever strong, because it comes not from men, but is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). Moreover, there is no shortage of this source of life, because it is supplied by God without cost and is forever guaranteed by His steadfast love and faithfulness.
Within the body that is Immanuel, God has kept the Gospel-heart beating for over 50 years. It has been beating in classes, chapels, and the daily conversations of the children of God who walk this campus. Likewise, the rest of God’s Word forms the sinews and bones and ligaments and muscles that have been supporting this body throughout its history.
Those who come to Immanuel for an education are here not merely to fill their heads with knowledge about how this world has been functioning historically, biologically, and chemically. They are here to be part of a body that is growing in Christ, a body that is receiving and sharing the lifeblood of His Gospel.
Religion classes, chapels, and church services at Messiah Lutheran Church are an integral part of the receiving and sharing that takes place. Every student will want to partake of all of these opportunities for nourishment, growth, and strengthening “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13).
May the Lord gracious supply us with students to teach and the means to teach them. May His Gospel in all its truth and purity ever be our heart.