Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2008-04-16 ILC Chapel — We need to ever be…

We need to ever be reminded of Jesus resurrection.


Date : 2008-04-16
Speaker : Professor Paul Schaller

Luke 24:36-42 (Listen)

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36 As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” 37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, (ESV)

Hymn : TLH 552 st. 1,5,8: Abide With Me link

1. Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide; 
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide. 
When other helpers fail and comforts flee, 
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me! 

5. Thou on my head in every youth didst smile, 
And though rebellious and perverse meanwhile, 
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee. 
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me. 

8. Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes, 
Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies. 
Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; 
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me! 

2008 Chapels -