Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2017-11-30 ILC Chapel — Seasons of Joy

2017 Chapels -
Seasons of Joy


Date : 2017-11-30
Speaker : John Reim

1 Thessalonians 5:16 (Listen)

16 Rejoice always,


Hymn: LSB 360, st. 3,4,6 :
All My Heart Again Rejoices

3. Should we fear our God’s displeasure,
Who, to save,
Freely gave
His most precious treasure?
To redeem us He has given
His own Son
From the throne
Of His might in heaven.

4. See the lamb, our sin once taking
To the cross,
Suff’ring loss,
Full atonement making.
For our life His own He tenders,
And His grace
All our race
Fit for glory renders.

6. Come, then, banish all your sadness!
One and all,
Great and small,
Come with songs of gladness.
We shall live with Him forever
There on high
In that joy
Which will vanish never.