Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 9/29/20

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. – Proverbs 12:25-26


Lunch Today – Lasagna

Supper – Pulled Pork Sandwich

Lunch Tomorrow – Turkey Gravy


Boys Basketball Players: Kettlebell workouts will happen Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the usual times, weather permitting.

Leave It Better is your way to give back to Immanuel. Pitch in and help with projects on campus that will leave it better than it is. Most projects are outdoors so join now while the weather is cooperative. We’ll have a short meeting Wednesday at 12:45 pm in the library to schedule our next few projects. Hope to see you there.

Activities Committee meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the library.

Photo Contest!! This semester’s photo contest theme is “Remember Covid?”.  Send in your photos of what will remind everyone of our covid experience.  This can be anything from classroom photos, choir on the hill (6 feet apart), mask wearing,  etc.  You get the picture.  See the bulletin boards in the AC for further details.

Crossroads Contest: This year, Crossroads is planning on having a themed contest for each quarter (along with accepting any other submissions you may have), for those who might need a little extra inspiration for their art. The first quarter’s theme will be fall, and we will accept any recent form of art and post it on the Crossroads website. The winner will be determined by a panel of judges, aka some faculty members, and will receive a mystery prize. Submissions can be emailed to, and should be in by Tuesday, October 13.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Alert Student Readers: Because you took the time to inform yourself about school news, announcements, and events you shall be rewarded. Come to the office and answer an easy question about what you read here and you’ll get a treat. (But don’t tell your friends! They need to earn it by reading School News just like you did!)

Cross Country Schedule

Tuesday 60 minutes cross-training on your own
Wednesday 3:45
Thursday Lv. 3:00 for 4:30 meet @ AC Lincoln
Friday 3:00
Saturday 8:00 am
Sunday Off

Volleyball Schedule

Varsity JV / C Team
Tuesday, 9/29 Lv. 4:25 for Whitehall

7:15 game

Lv. 4:25 for Whitehall

6:00 games

Wednesday, 9/30 3:00-5:00 4:00-6:00
Thursday, 10/1 3:00-5:00 4:00-6:00
Friday, 10/2 3:00-5:00 4:00-6:00
Saturday, 10/3 Off Off
Sunday, 10/4 6:00-7:30 4:30-6:00




Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy