Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 10/1/20

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. – Luke 6:35

Lunch Today – Chicken Patties

Supper – Enchilada Casserole

Lunch Tomorrow – BBQ Meatballs

?Watch today’s Chapel Address

Boys Basketball: Kettlebell will go at 3:05 and 3:45 today if the weather permits, to make up for missing yesterday.

Flash Meeting: There will be a Flash meeting on Friday, October 2, from 12:45-1:10 in AC120.

Leave It Better will begin removing siding from the Lau garage on Sunday at 1:00 pm. (Prof. row number 511) and continue at 3:00 pm on Monday. Come join the group and this project will be knocked out quickly. Experience removing and putting up siding will be useful in your future!

Sportsmanship Award: Immanuel coaches, fans, staff, and students, please take a brief moment to vote for which Dairyland Conference school you believe exhibited the best sportsmanship last year during the 2019-2020 season. (We can’t vote for ourselves, so you won’t see Immanuel listed.) Cast your vote by Monday, October 5 at 3:00 pm, and please vote only once. Click here to vote for the Dairyland Conference Sportsmanship Award.

Juniors & Seniors check your email to register for the PSAT. Please bring your $17 payment to the office.

Photo Contest!! This semester’s photo contest theme is “Remember Covid?”.  Send in your photos of what will remind everyone of our covid experience.  This can be anything from classroom photos, choir on the hill (6 feet apart), mask wearing,  etc.  You get the picture.  See the bulletin boards in the AC for further details.

Crossroads Contest: This year, Crossroads is planning on having a themed contest for each quarter (along with accepting any other submissions you may have), for those who might need a little extra inspiration for their art. The first quarter’s theme will be fall, and we will accept any recent form of art and post it on the Crossroads website. The winner will be determined by a panel of judges, aka some faculty members, and will receive a mystery prize. Submissions can be emailed to, and should be in by Tuesday, October 13.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Link to Google Classroom


Cross Country Schedule

Thursday Lv. 3:00 for 4:30 meet @ AC Lincoln
Friday 3:00
Saturday 8:00 am
Sunday Off

Volleyball Schedule

Varsity JV / C Team
Thursday, 10/1 3:00-5:00 4:00-6:00
Friday, 10/2 3:00-5:00 4:00-6:00
Saturday, 10/3 Off Off
Sunday, 10/4 6:00-7:30 4:30-6:00