Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 11/4/21

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.   – 1 Peter 4:8


Week 3 Lunch/Supper
 Thursday   Orange Chicken/Stuffed Italian Peppers
 Friday   Beef Stroganoff/Chicken Fajitas


Lance meeting: Hey everyone! We’re having a Lance Meeting at 3:00 pm in AC121. This is going to be a work day, as well as sharing updates, so please do whatever you can to be there. There are still more pages available, so if anyone would like to join still please talk to either Kaylee or Kitara.


Boys Basketball Meeting: Anyone planning to play boys’ basketball this year should attend the meeting on Tuesday, November 9, at 6:00 pm in AC122. This meeting is mandatory and should last about 45 minutes.


Entrances Closed!: Both the main north entrance as well as the middle doors are closed for the roofing project today. We must use the south entrance only. They are working to finish up on the north end today, if possible, but won’t open the main entrance until it is safe for people to be going in and out.


Volleyball Players: There are still many volleyball jerseys that have not yet been returned. They were to be in last Wednesday. Please make the effort to get them back to Prof. Lau this week.


Gym Use: The gym schedule for this week is posted by the east entrance. Please abide by the scheduled times. Thank you.



Day Time What Who
 Thur, 11/4  3:00-4:30


 Shipoopi Choreo


 Sun, 11/7  7:30-9:30  Everything  Everyone


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