Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2022-10-31 ILC Chapel — A New Song Here Shall…

2022 Chapels -
A New Song Here Shall be Begun


Date : 2022-10-31
Speaker : David Schaller
1 Peter 4:14-16
(EHV) If you are insulted in connection with the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, a thief, a criminal, or as a meddler. But if you suffer for being a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God in connection with this name.

Hymn: TLH 259 :
Flung to the Heedless Winds — Organ Audio

1. Flung to the heedless winds
Or on the waters cast,
The martyrs’ ashes, watched,
Shall gathered be at last.
And from that scattered dust,
Around us and abroad,
Shall spring a plenteous seed
Of witnesses for God.

2. The Father hath received
Their latest living breath,
And vain is Satan’s boast
Of vict’ry in their death.
Still, still, though dead, they speak,
And, trumpet-tongued, proclaim
To many a wakening land
The one availing Name.