Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 12/7/23

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9


Week 3

 Thursday   Stuffed Crust Pizza/Burrito Bowls
 Friday   Hot Ham & Swiss/Shrimp Poppers

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Come Decorate the AC! Better late than never, right?!? Come to the Academic Center at 1:00pm on Sunday and help hang lights and decorations. It will be a good time and won’t take long with lots of people present.


Piano & Organ Recital  Immanuel students present a recital on Sunday, December 10th at 3:00pm featuring Christmas music for piano and organ. Admission is free. All are welcome.


Christmas Party: The ILC Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 14th. The Activities Committee is looking for donations of snacks and drinks. If you are willing to help, treats can be dropped off at the ILC business office next week until 4:00pm, or brought directly to the Commons at party time.


One Day Christmas VBS: Messiah is having a one-day Christmas VBS on Saturday, 12/9/2023 from 1:00-4:00pm. Volunteers are needed as teachers, craft helpers, a music coordinator, and activity helpers. If you are willing to volunteer your time, please contact Jill Tiefel (email, call 715-552-1141 or message me on Facebook). If you would like to help with crafts, you can email Becky Rodebaugh at


Gym Use Schedule

 V Girls  JV Girls  V Boys  JV Boys  C Boys
 Thur, 12/7  Ind/Gil (A)
Lv. 4:35
 Ind/Gil (A)
Lv. 4:35
 3:00-4:30  4:30-6:00 6:00-7:30
 Fri, 12/8   3:00-4:30  4:30-6:00  Ind/Gil (A)
Lv. 3:00
 Ind/Gil (A)
Lv. 3:00
Ind/Gil (A)
Lv. 3:00
 Sat, 12/9   8:30-10:30am Off  Coulee (A) 
Lv. 12:30
 11:00 – 12:30   12:30-2:00
 Sun, 12/10   6:00-7:30  8:00-9:30 Off Off Off


Pearl Harbor Day

Today marks the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack on December 7, 1941 “commenced at 7:48, a quiet Sunday morning while many sailors and Pearl Harbor residents were still in bed. At 8:06 a.m., a Japanese bomber dropped an armor-piercing shell atop the forward ammunition magazine of the USS Arizona. Within seconds, a catastrophic explosion tore the mighty warship in half and ignited a fire that would burn for two days. Of the 1,512 crew members onboard, only 334 survived.

 Less than two hours later, the attack was over. The butcher’s bill was ghastly: 2,403 Americans lay dead or dying, with an additional 1,178 wounded.

The fleet was devastated: 17 ships sunk or damaged, including all eight battleships in port. One hundred eighty-eight aircraft were destroyed and 159 damaged, many as they sat on the ground.

Amid the tragedy were countless acts of valor and self-sacrifice — men and women who fought back amid the flames or risked their lives to save others. Pearl Harbor exemplifies the very best of the American fighting spirit and how our nation responds to tragedy. . .

. . . Rather than demoralizing the American people, the fires of the USS Arizona galvanized the nation with an unshakable resolve to defeat our enemies.

 On that December day in 1941, our forces were badly beaten. But that defeat determined the course of history in a way not imagined by our enemies. It stirred and mobilized the American people and set in motion a united national effort that produced future victories in battle and ultimately the war. It forged a new destiny and identity for America — that of a world leader resolved to challenge any aggressor who tried to attack our freedoms or those of our allies. . .

. . . It falls to every American to ensure the next generation, our children and grandchildren, know (this story) and why this day in American history matters so very much.” – Thomas Callender

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Activities Calendar

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