Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 9/20/24

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” because God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is dragged away and enticed by his own desire. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. And sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death. – James 1:13-15


Week 4  Lunch/Supper
 Friday  Turkey Gravy/Leftovers
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Flag Football today at Stein fields: Cougars v. Cowboys at 3:15pm, followed by Cyclones v. Buffaloes at 4:15pm. Van leaves from behind the Commons at 3:00pm. The forecast is for sunny and 79 degrees, so a lovely day for fans to walk over and cheer on your friends!


Tour Choir This year’s Tour Choir Roster will be posted in the office at the end of the school day today (2:50pm). Thank you to all those who tried out. If you weren’t selected this time, please keep singing and try again next year if you return to Immanuel. It was especially difficult to choose this group and many positions were very close. If you are on the roster, our first rehearsal will be Monday 12:25-1:10pm in the music room. –Prof. Schaller


Leave it Better will be working on the firepit at 1:00pm on Saturday. All are welcome to come help; dress for dirty work! Then on Sunday we will be going through the After Banquet shed at 3:00pm. Meet there (little building next to staff parking in the upper lot) if you’d like to help.

Today’s Chapel Speaker: Mr. Steve Sydow is our speaker for chapel today and plans on sharing God’s word in chapel regularly throughout the year. He has served in a number of pastoral calls in CLC congregations. He is part of the ILC staff, teaching history and journalism. He is also a student counselor and coaches Cross Country and Track. His full-time job is with the Department of Transportation. Thank you to Mr. Sydow for sharing the Word of God with us.


Did you lose some money? Come to the office and tell us how much and when/where you might have lost it. We could be able to reunite you.


The Varsity VB Tournament on Saturday at McDonell HS in Chippewa Falls begins at 9:00am. Lancers play the first, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh rounds.


The JV VB Tournament on Saturday in the back gym at Chippewa Falls High School also begins at 9:00am. (Enter the doors under the cardinal.) Lancers play the first, second, fourth, fifth, and seventh rounds. Concessions will not be available – bring your own snacks.


CC Report: Stormy weather made for an exciting meet in Augusta today! After waiting out a thunderstorm, we were able to get one race in before the next one moved in, and thankfully the girls and boys ran together. We made the most of the cooling rain and flat terrain, with 15 out of 22 runners finishing in season-best times, and the boys came home with the first place trophy!
Earning medals today were: Logan Thompson (1st), Simeon Schaller (3rd), Lydia Kloke (4th), Dulton Eberhardt (5th), Derek Wales (6th), Caleb Eichstadt (7th), William Sydow (8th), Josh Pfeiffer (9th), and Katie Kloke.
Cross Country & Soccer Schedules
 Soccer  Cross Country
 Friday, 9/20 Off Off
 Saturday, 9/21 TBD 8:00am
 Sunday, 9/22 TBD 4:00

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