Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 3/3/25

Certainly my plans are not your plans, and your ways are not my ways, declares the Lord. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my plans are higher than your plans. – Isaiah 55:8-9


Week 4  Lunch/Supper
 Monday   Chicken Cordon Bleu/Pulled Pork
 Tuesday  Lasagna/Taco Tuesday
 Wednesday  Cajun Pasta w/Big Mac Casserole
 Thursday   Chicken Patties/Personal Pan Pizza
 Friday   Turkey Gravy/Leftovers
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog


Softball Sign-Up and Meeting – An informational meeting will be held today at 2:55pm in AC121. Come if you’re interested in finding out about softball and come if you plan to play. (The sign-up sheet is at the front desk if you already know you’re playing.)


Weekly Winter Workout: Join us for our LAST one of the year, AC121 at 4:00pm. Spring sports start next week!


In His Word (College age Bible study) meets at 9:00pm Tuesday. We’ll be in session seven of a study of “Joy”. Rejoice always? Is that possible? How do we find joy and hold onto it? Hope you can make it!


Ash Wednesday church services at Messiah are held at 1:00pm and 6:30pm. Vans for students will leave from behind the gym at 6:00pm.


Ruth’s Retreat Bible study and fellowship hour meets Wednesday evening in the AC Library from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. We’ll have a Bible study topic, music, and discussion. Come and bring a friend!


Tour Choir will give their first concert of the year in Millston this Sunday beginning at 11:00am. Find their full schedule here.




Regional Champs shirts: Chippewa Valley Sporting Goods has set up a store for ordering Regional Champs shirts. The store closes at 3:00pm today, so order now if you a shirt. (Students were emailed the link.)



CONGRATULATIONS Lady Lancers on your Regional Basketball Championship win!! The Immanuel Girls Varsity Basketball team took down opponent Webster on Saturday, March 1 to secure the Regional Champs title! The last time the girls were Regional Champs was in 2013! We want to pack the stands in Chetek/Weyerhauser for our first sectional game this Thursday, March 6 when we play Solon Springs @ 7:00pm. A victory on Thursday will put us in the Sectional Championship on Saturday, March 8. All tickets are $7 for students/adults and are being presold through the office. (More info on that tomorrow.)


Play Rehearsal Schedule

Monday 3/3 6-7 Caleb, Emma AC 120 Assrt. Rico and Belinda Scenes (pgs. 50-51, 59-60, 66-67, 75-76, 82)

Basketball Practice Schedule
Basketball Game Schedule – Boys, Girls, Both



Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy