Jaqi Gerbitz (ILHS Class of 2017):
Immanuel provides its students with a fellowship opportunity unlike any other and has allowed me to build strong Christian relationships to last a lifetime. Wouldn't trade my experience for the world.

Jenna Mielke (ILHS Class of 2018):
“Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.” -Psalm 61:4
My friends who attend public school tell me that my experience here at Immanuel has been extremely sheltered. They usually say this in a scornful way, but they’re right. Immanuel is sheltered, because it is sheltered by the wings of God. When the world’s problems seem too hard to bear, He promises that we can take refuge in the shadow of His wings. And what better comfort is there? The Bible tells us that the devil is like a roaring lion, but lions cannot fly. All we have to do to escape temptation is hop on the wings of God and soar like an eagle. So maybe we are sheltered, but it is under the almighty wings of the Lord, and I wouldn’t want to take refuge anywhere else.

Sam Lisak (ILHS Class of 2016):
Immanuel is a great place to grow as a student, athlete, and person while being surrounded by great Christian friends and teachers.

Samuel Rodebaugh (ILHS Class of 2010):
The Lord has truly blessed the CLC with Immanuel Lutheran High School, and through it he's richly blessed me. So much of my life since has been directly affected by the God-given time I spent at ILHS.

Jacob Gamble (ILHS Class of 2013):
My time at Immanuel gave me the skill set, friends, and strong faith that I needed to walk with Christ the rest of my life.

Caleb Meyer (ILHS Class of 2010, ILC AA Class of 2014):
Immanuel allowed me to have relationships and friendships with people I would otherwise never have met. Immanuel gives you the opportunity to let your light shine with Christ as your motivation.

Danielle Wittorp (nee Ryan) (ILHS Class of 2006):
Immanuel's dedicated teachers prepared me for college-level coursework, and its small class sizes set me up to thrive in the discussion-heavy setting of many college classes. I will always be grateful for the teachers' willingness to provide an outstanding, customized education. I made lifelong friends from around the country at ILHS -- Christian friends who are still my closest friends over a decade after graduating.