2025-03-25 ILC Chapel — “Father, Whatever YOU Want —…
2025 Chapels -“Father, Whatever YOU Want — That’s For Me!”
Date : 2025-03-25
Speaker : Paul Schaller
Matthew 6:9
(ESV) Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Hymn: TLH 343, st. 5,6 : How Lovely Shines the Morning Star
5. Thou, mighty Father, in Thy Son
Didst love me ere Thou hadst begun
This ancient world’s foundation.
Thy Son hath made a friend of me,
And when in spirit Him I see,
I joy in tribulation.
What bliss Is this!
He that liveth To me giveth
Life forever;
Nothing me from Him can sever.
6. Lift up the voice and strike the string.
Let all glad sounds of music ring
In God’s high praises blended.
Christ will be with me all the way,
Today, tomorrow, every day,
Till traveling days be ended.
Sing out, Ring out
Triumph glorious, O victorious,
Chosen nation;
Praise the God of your salvation.