Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

DB Thursday, 12/13/18


Redeemer, come! I open wide my heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide!

Let me Thine inner presence feel, Thy grace and love in me reveal;

Thy Holy Spirit guide us on until our glorious goal is won.

Eternal praise and fame we offer to Thy name. – TLH 73 v.5


Lunch Today: Taco Salad

Supper: Leftovers

Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken Patties



Christmas Party in the gym at 7:00 p.m. There will be an ugly sweater judging contest as well as several games, munchies, and the annual Christmas reading and candle lighting which is scheduled to begin at 9:00 p.m. with a bonfire to follow on field.

This evening is an on-campus free night. You are invited and encouraged to come to the Christmas party that begins at 7:00 p.m. All nonresident students who are on campus and all resident students are expected to participate in the Christmas devotion that is planned to take place in the gym at about 9:00 p.m., to be followed by a bonfire.



Friday: Christmas Concert at Messiah at 7:30 p.m. Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to warm up.



No buses will be coming for afternoon pickup today or tomorrow. Morning buses will run as usual.

Lost & Found IOUs need to be paid this week: Kyra, Sarah Fox, Hailey, Daniel Masker, Alex and Paul.

Final reminder about Formal Dinner payment: Alexus, Ethan, Noah B., Josie, Tim O., Gabe, and Krystal will all be charged $3 for their tickets unless payment or explanation is received in the office by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning!

Residence halls close at noon on Saturday, 12/15/18, and open again at noon on Sunday, 1/6/19 (first meal served is supper on that day). Classes begin at 7:40 a.m. on Monday, 1/7/19.

2nd Semester Electives: If you are considering a change to your elective classes, please speak with Prof. Gullerud this week. Changes must be finalized before the start of the second semester. FYI, music electives and Modern History may be added second semester.

Campus Parking During Upcoming Break: If you are leaving or parking a vehicle on campus over the upcoming break please park your vehicle in the north row of the upper lot (row closest to the road by the pole and fire hydrant). If that row is filled up use the lower lot east row (row by road coming down the hill). Thank You!

Student Reminders about Finals Week dining:

  1. Remember breakfast is served during finals from 7:00 – 7:20 a.m.
  2. There is NO Breakfast to Go during finals.
  3. You must sign up to eat during finals for both lunch and supper! Sign-up sheets are outside the dining hall. Please be sure to be signed up the day before the meal.

2019 CLC Mission Helper Trip to India – Applications for the upcoming CLC Mission Helper Trip to India will be accepted until January 7th. You can apply online at: There is still lots of room for more volunteers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Todd Ohlmann at or (314) 517-0177. Then He (Jesus) said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Luke 10:2

Redemption countdown for all items in Prof. Sullivan’s office–today through Friday, 12/14/18. If items (such as schoolbooks, piano books, library books, and calculators) loaned to students by ILC are not redeemed from Prof. Sullivan’s office prior to Saturday, 12/15/18, accounts of students to whom the items were loaned will be charged $5.00 per item. All other items not redeemed prior to 12/15/18 will be donated to charity or discarded.

Cost per item:

Thursday, 12/13/18 $1.00

Friday, 12/14/18 $2.00

Saturday, 12/15/18 ALL GONE



Wednesday Clue: Remember the length of the pole from today’s Fun Bell. Walk that far from one of the bulletin boards in the AC to find your candy tin.

Answer: The bottom shelf in the first stack in the library which is about 39 1/2 feet (14 big steps) from the bulletin board at the middle entrance to the AC.

Thursday Clue: The roundest place for today’s Fun Bell hero to “dance around” is the location of your tins today.

Find your tin, share the candy with your class, and return it to Prof. Roehl. The class that does this the fastest throughout the week will receive Canteen credit next semester! Please do not interfere with tins from other classes.



Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy