Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 09/27/2024

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

– Matthew 6:33


Week 1  Lunch/Supper
 Friday   Taco Salad/Corn Dogs
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog

Flag Football today at Stein fields: Cyclones v. Cougars at 3:15pm, followed by Buffaloes v. Cowboys at 4:15pm. Van leaves from behind the Commons at 3:00pm. The forecast is for sunny and 80 degrees, so a lovely day for fans to walk over and cheer on your friends!


Breakfast on the Go will not be available Monday (9/30) and Tuesday (10/1) of next week.


Student worker paychecks are available in the office.


The Student Body President has not been elected yet.  We will be having a run-off election on Tuesday, October 1, the candidates on the ballot will be: Jesse Cornish, Caleb Eichstadt and Logan Thompson. Thank you in advance for your participation in the democratic process.


Flash meeting on Friday at 12:30pm in the Commons Lounge. It’s never too late to join the school newspaper staff – come check it out!




Movie Night: Cars 2 will be shown in the gym at 8:30 Saturday night.


Man Up! Permissions: If you are going to be missing school for Man Up! on Friday, please remember to fill out a Planned Absence form and get it turned in before you leave campus. Also, make sure your parents have sent permissions to the office and dorm parents as necessary, and that your driver is on your Transportation Permissions.



CC Report: This week we went from our biggest meet on Tuesday to our smallest on today at Eleva-Strum. We had 5 runners set new personal records (Caleb Eichstadt, Seth Bernthal, Zander Johnson, Alek Daub, and Carter Martin), our guys came away with the win, and all our varsity runners won medals: Logan Thompson (1st), Simeon Schaller (3rd), Dulton Eberhardt (4th), Caleb Eichstadt (5th), Derek Wales (6th), William Sydow (8th), Ian Levandoski (10th), Lydia Kloke (2nd), & Maggie Seibel (5th).



Rehearsal Schedule
 Date  People  Time
 Fri, 9/27  Everyone  3:00-4:30/4:30-6:00
 Sun, 9/29  Sophia, Sam, Josh, Abigail, Supercali Ensemble  2:00-4:00



Cross Country & Soccer Schedules

 Soccer  Cross Country
 Friday, 9/27 Off Off
 Saturday, 9/28 Off 8:00am
 Sunday, 9/29 Off 4:00

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy