Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 1/23/25

And there is no creature hidden from Him, but everything is uncovered and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we will give an account. – Hebrews 4:13


Week 3  Lunch/Supper
 Thursday   Stuffed Crust Pizza/Burrito Bowls
 Friday   Hot Ham & Swiss/Italian Hotdish
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog
Boys Basketball bus leaves at 4:35pm for Gilmanton. JV plays at 6:00pm followed by the varsity game at 7:15pm.
Whitewater Permission: Those attending Whitewater this weekend must get a Planned Absence form signed and turned in by 4:00pm today. This includes parent permission to the office as well!

Dorm Students: If you need a ride to church Saturday evening you need to sign up by Friday using the Google sheet Prof. Gullerud emailed!




Basketball Pictures happen Tuesday after school. Think about your individual and team poses beforehand so that things can go quickly. Everyone will be photographed whether you are ordering photos or not. The schedule is as follows, but if we’re ahead of schedule we won’t be waiting for stragglers, so be there early! Forms are on the credenza outside the office and parents have been emailed online ordering information.
3:00 – C Team
3:20 –  JV Boys
3:40 –  V Boys
4:00 –  JV Girls
4:20 – V Girls

Basketball Practice Schedule
Basketball Game Schedule – Boys, Girls, Both

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy