Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 11/9/21

No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. – 1 John 2:23

Week 4 Lunch/Supper
 Tuesday   Swedish Meatballs/Chicken Patties
 Wednesday   Chicken Penne Italiano/Tacos
 Thursday   Spaghetti Pizza/Italian Hotdish
 Friday   French Dips/Leftovers


Boys Basketball Meeting: Anyone planning to play boys’ basketball this year should attend the meeting at 6:00 pm in AC122. This meeting is mandatory and should last about 45 minutes.


School Picture Retakes will happen tomorrow from noon to 1:00 pm in the Library. If you missed picture day or are not happy with your photos please come. Envelopes are on the credenza outside the office, or you can order online at and use event code EVTSJCQNF.


Entrance Closed!: The south doors are closed for the roofing project today. We must use the north or center entrances.



Day Time What Who
 Tue, 11/9  3:00-4:30




Wed, 11/70

Preview Night!

 7:30-9:30 Everything  Everyone
 Thur, 11/11  7:30-9:30  Everything  Everyone
 Fri, 11/12 5:30  7:30 Showtime!  Everyone
Sat, 11/13  5:30  7:30 Showtime!  Everyone
 Sun, 11/14  Noon  Strike  Everyone



Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy