Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 2/24/25

By the mercies of the Lord we are not consumed, for his compassions do not fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:22-23


Week 3  Lunch/Supper
 Monday   Popcorn Chicken/Cheese Tortellini
 Tuesday  BBQ Meatballs/Sausage Egg McMuffins
 Wednesday  Lemon Chicken/Garlic Parmesan Chicken Bake New!
 Thursday   Stuffed Crust Pizza/Burrito Bowls
 Friday   Hot Ham & Swiss/Italian Hotdish
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog New!

Today’s Schedule: Due to the boys home basketball games vs Alma-Pepin tonight at 6:00pm and 7:15pm, the after-school schedule for today is as follows:

  • Early study hall at 3:00pm.
  • In-dorm chapels.
  • Off-campus free night, with students back in the dorms by 9:50pm.
  • All sign-out and sign-in procedures apply.


Weekly Winter Workout: Spring is almost here! Let’s get ready for spring sports! Join us today at 4:00pm in AC121!


Congratulations to Logan Thompson who made 1st Team All-Conference!! Come watch the Lancers play tonight, Senior Night, in the gym! The theme is white out (Seniors, wear your senior shirts). Please park in assigned spaces in the parking lots. Do not crowd the area behind the gym or use the top of the hill, which is marked as a No Parking zone. We must keep the area clear for emergency vehicles.


Photo Contest:  Deadline for submissions is TODAY! We’re switching things up for the second semester. We REALLY need a photo on the wall of the volleyball state tournament championship. Rather than limiting this to an unedited photo, this time around we’ll take any single photo or photo collage. Editing is allowed and even encouraged. The winning photo will go on the wall with previous winners and be made into a puzzle.


Lost & Found: Have you lost lunch tickets? If so, come to the office and describe where/when/what you have lost and we’ll see if we can match you up with what has been turned in.


Basketball Practice Schedule
Basketball Game Schedule – Boys, Girls, Both

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy