Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 2/3/25

I will give thanks to you among the peoples, O Lord. I will make music to you among the nations,
because your great mercy reaches above the heavens, and your faithfulness to the skies. – Psalm 57:9-10


Week 1  Lunch/Supper
 Monday   Teriyaki Chicken/Quesadillas
 Tuesday  Beef Stroganoff/Breakfast for Dinner
 Wednesday  French Dip/Tater Tot Hotdish
 Thursday   French Bread Pizza/Hamburgers
 Friday   Taco Salad/Corn Dogs
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog

Weekly Winter Workout: Join us for some fun! Today at 4:00pm in AC121.Miniclass meeting on Tuesday at 3:15pm in AC111.


Boys Basketball games today are in Blair-Taylor. The bus will be departing at 4:20pm from behind the gym. JV and C Team play at 6:00pm, Varsity begins at 7:15pm.


In His Word (College age Bible study) meets at 9:00pm Tuesday. We’ll be in session five of a study of “Joy”. Rejoice always? Is that possible? How do we find joy and hold onto it? Hope you can make it!


Ruth’s Retreat Bible study and fellowship hour meets Wednesday evening in the AC Library from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. We’ll have a Bible study topic, music, and discussion. Come and bring a friend!


It’s Time to Order Valentines! Family and friends off campus can order by emailing and making payment to the office by cash or check. Contact Jennifer Schaller if you can’t do cash or check and need to use PayPal or Venmo.

Basketball Practice Schedule
Basketball Game Schedule – Boys, Girls, Both

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy