Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 3/7/22

“King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” – Daniel 3:16-18


Week 2  Lunch/Supper
 Monday   Teriyaki Chicken/Enchilada Casserole
 Tuesday  Lasagna/BLTs
 Wednesday  French Bread Pizza/Pulled Pork Sandwiches
 Thursday   Chicken Patties/Leftovers
 Friday   Bag Lunch to Go


Softball Meeting on Monday at 3:00 pm in the AC.


Track & Field starts today! Even if you weren’t at the meeting, come on down to the gym at 6:00 pm and find out what it’s all about!


Girl Talk w/Joey Mielke & April Sydow in the Girls’ Dorm Lounge on Tuesday at 3:30 pm.


Baseball Meeting on Wednesday at 3:00 pm in AC122.  Excuse in person with Prof Lau if you are unable to attend.


Bag Lunch: Those who would like a bag lunch to go on Friday must sign up outside the dining hall by Thursday.


End of 3rd Quarter  Friday is the end of the 3rd quarter. Check your email for a message about that from the Principal.


Gym in Use: Messiah will be using the gym this week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:00-6:00 pm to allow their basketball teams time to practice before the CLC Gradeschool Tournament this weekend. The gym will not be available to our students during these times. If you’re around this weekend and willing to help with the scoreboard, keeping book, refereeing or streaming games sign up here.


Female students Joey Mielke will be joining us for our next Girl Talk session on Tuesday starting at 3:30pm. We will be focusing on a specific topic this time “Being a Godly Woman: What the World Expects vs. What God Expects”. Bring your thoughts and questions and let’s get a good discussion going. All female students are welcome!


Community Art Show Selections Six senior Art students have been selected to have a piece of their artwork displayed in Charter Bank’s Community Art Show being held at the Chippewa Valley Museum this spring. This show features artwork from area high school students. Congratulations to Joel Bernthal, Charlotte Carstensen, Faith Kazemba, Jonah Mueller, Alexandra Schierenbeck, and Marnie Schaller!


Photo Contest: Reminder to send your Photo Contest submissions to Mrs. Gurgel. The theme this semester is “Action Shots.” Questions? See the blue poster posted on the campus bulletin boards or ask Mrs. Gurgel.


Practice Schedule

 Track & Field
 Monday, 3/7 6:00-7:30
 Tuesday, 3/8 6:00-7:30
 Wednesday, 3/9 3:00-4:00
 Thursday, 3/10 6:00-7:30
Friday, 3/11 Off

Rehearsal Schedule

 Time  What?  Whom?
 Mon, 3/7  3:00-4:00  Act 2, Scene 2  Everyone
 Tues, 3/8  3:00-4:00  Act 3  Father, Mother, Betty, Bud, Kathy, Ralph, Patty, Brinkworth
 Wed, 3/9  3:00-4:00  Act 1  Ramona, Janie, Betty, Father, Mother, Bud, Kathy
 Thur, 3/10  3:00-4:00  Act 2, Scene 1  Father, Mother, Betty, Bud, Kathy, Ralph, Patty, Brinkworth, Repair Man



Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy