Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 9/25/24

What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . .  I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor rulers, neither things present nor things to come, nor powerful forces, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:35, 38-39


Week 1  Lunch/Supper
 Wednesday  French Dip/Hamburgers
 Thursday   French Bread Pizza/Tater Tot Hotdish
 Friday   Taco Salad/Corn Dogs
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog
Hymn Sing by the fire tonight at 8:00pm. There will be a group gathering by the fire pit to sing hymns, and you are welcome to join! Dorm students please get permissions from your dorm parent. Hope to see you there!


Student worker paychecks will be available in the office on Thursday.


The Student Body President will be elected on Thursday over the lunch period in the Commons. Nominees are Audrey Arndt, Jesse Cornish, Alek Daub, Caleb Eichstadt and Logan Thompson. Be sure to exercise your right to vote for your next leader!


Mary Poppins Cast: Mrs. Fleisher will be coming tomorrow at 3:30pm to take costuming measurements. If you can be there, PLEASE come and get your measurements taken. It will be in the AC either in or near where practice is being held.


Flash meeting on Friday at 12:30pm in the Commons Lounge. It’s never too late to join the school newspaper staff – come check it out!


Man Up! Permissions: If you are going to be missing school for Man Up! on Friday, please remember to fill out a Planned Absence form and get it turned in before you leave campus. Also, make sure your parents have sent permissions to the office and dorm parents as necessary, and that your driver is on your Transportation Permissions.


CC Report: Today’s meet at Whispering Pines Golf Course in Cadott was the biggest one so far – 15 teams! It also provided us with a nice practice run for our WIAA Sectional meet, since that will be on the same course and against many of the same teams. It got a little warm at race time, but the guys still managed a 4th place finish, and we again had over half our runners – 13 out of 20 – set new season-best times. Complete results are available at


Rehearsal Schedule
 Date  People  Time
Wed, 9/25  Sophia, Sam, Josh, Abigail, David, Caleb  6:00-7:30
 Thur, 9/26  Sophia, Abigail, Eli, Audrey, Natalie, Ellie, Will   3:00-4:30
 Fri, 9/27  Everyone  3:00-4:30/4:30-6:00
 Sun, 9/29  Sophia, Sam, Josh, Abigail, Supercali Ensemble  2:00-4:00


Cross Country & Soccer Schedules

 Soccer  Cross Country
 Wednesday, 9/25 3:00 4:00
 Thursday, 9/26 3:10  Eleva-Strum Meet 
Lv. 3:30
 Friday, 9/27 Off Off
 Saturday, 9/28 Off 8:00am
 Sunday, 9/29 Off 4:00

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy