Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 9/5/24

Therefore, because you were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. – Colossians 3:1


Week 2  Lunch/Supper
 Thursday   Orange Chicken/McRib Sandwich
 Friday   Chicken Penne Italiano/Leftovers
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog

The FLASH is the school newspaper. The first meeting is today in the Commons Lounge at 3:00pm (rescheduled from last week) and all students are invited to join the writing staff! Just stop by or speak with Prof. Lau if you can’t make it.

Flag Football 2024 – Sign up by submitting this form by today at 3:00pm. Games will be played at Bollinger Field (on Stein Blvd) starting on Friday, September 13 at 3:15 and 4:30pm. Our last games will be scheduled for Friday, November 1.

Volleyball Vans will be leaving for Whitehall from behind the gym today at 3:25pm.

Yearbook Meeting – The ILHS Yearbook, The Lance, is put together by a creative group of students under the direction of Doc Schierenbeck. If you’d like to help with this year’s issue, come to the meeting on Friday at 12:45pm in AC120. Throughout the year you can share pictures of events and campus life with for possible inclusion in this year’s copy!

Newcomer’s Party – Come down to the gym Friday at 8:00pm for games and treats and general fun as a welcome and way to meet our new students!

Leave it Better – This time we’ll be doing trail maintenance in the woods. Meet behind the gym on Sunday at 12:30pm. Anyone is welcome to join us for whichever events you are available!


Today’s Morning Chapel Speaker – Lawrence Bade is our guest speaker for chapel today. He has served as a Pastor in the CLC, but is currently working in a secular job. He also serves Messiah as the coordinator for volunteers to lead devotional services at a number of nursing homes in the area.

Volleyball Shorts are waiting to be picked up in the office for those who had to order some. The cost is $20, and if you don’t pay at pick up the charge will be added to your bill.

Missing Water Bottle – If you find a clear gray Contigo water bottle, please turn it in at the office.

Tour Choir Tryouts will begin on Tuesday, September 9th. You have the information in Google Classroom and there are printed copies of the music and info sheet on the credenza outside the office.

Cross Country & Soccer Schedules
 Soccer  Cross Country
 Thursday 3:10 C-FC Meet 
Lv. 3:15
 Friday Off Off
 Saturday TBD 8:00am
 Sunday 4:00


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