2021-01-20 ILC Chapel — Jesus Came Proclaiming the Gospel…
2021 Chapels -Jesus Came Proclaiming the Gospel of God
Date : 2021-01-20
Speaker : Paul Schaller
Mark 1:14
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God.
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Hymn: TLH 130, st. 1,6 :
O Jesus, King of Glory
Hymnary.org— — Organ Audio
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1. O Jesus, King of Glory,
Both David’s Lord and Son!
Thy realm endures forever,
In heaven is fixed Thy throne.
Help that in earth’s dominions,
Throughout from pole to pole,
Thy reign may spread salvation
To each benighted soul.
6. And bid Thy Word within me
Shine as the fairest star;
Keep sin and all false doctrine
Forever from me far.
Help me confess Thee truly
And with Thy Christendom
Here own Thee King and Savior
And in the world to come.