Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2008-04-08 ILC Chapel — Sin causes disappointment. We need…

Sin causes disappointment. We need to pay attention to Jesus’ promises.


Date : 2008-04-08
Speaker : Professor Paul Sullivan

Luke 24:21 (Listen)

21 But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened. (ESV)

Audio Player
Hymn : WS 758 : Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation link

1. Christ is made the sure foundation, 
Christ, our head and cornerstone, 
Chosen of the Lord and precious, 
Binding all the Church in one; 
Holy Zion’s help forever 
And our confidence alone. 

2. To this temple, where we call You, 
Come, O Lord of hosts, and stay; 
Come with all Your loving kindness, 
Hear Your people as they pray; 
And Your fullest benediction 
Shed within these wall today. 

3. Grant, we pray, to all Your faithful 
All the gifts they ask to gain; 
What they gain from You, forever 
With the blessed to retain; 
And here after in Your glory 
Evermore with You to reign. 

4. Praise and honor to the Father, 
Praise and honor to the Son, 
Praise and honor to the Spirit, 
Ever three and ever one: 
One in might and one in glory 
While unending ages run! 

2008 Chapels -