Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2012-05-08 ILC Chapel — Goals for your Christian education:…

2012 Chapels -
Goals for your Christian education: Christian stewardship


Date : 2012-05-08
Speaker : Professor Steven Sippert

Matthew 6:33 (Listen)

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Hymn: WS 788, st. 2,3: Lord, You Love the Cheerful Giver

2. We are Yours Your mercy sought us,
Found us in death’s dreadful way,
To the fold in safety brought us,
Nevermore from You to stray.
Your own life was freely given
As an off’ring on the cross
For each sinner,now forgiven
From eternal shame and loss.

3. Blessed by You with gifts and graces,
May we heed Your Spirit’s call,
Gladly in all times and places
Give to You who gives us all.
You have bought us; now no longer
Can we claim to be our own;
Ever free and ever stronger
We shall serve You, Lord, alone.