Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2022-08-22 ILC Chapel — JESUS, PRICELESS TREASURE – I…

2022 Chapels -
JESUS, PRICELESS TREASURE – I Will Suffer Naught to Hide Thee


Date : 2022-08-22
Speaker : Paul Naumann
Matthew 13:44
44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Hymn: TLH 347, st. 1,6 :
Jesus, Priceless Treasure — Organ Audio

1. Jesus, priceless Treasure,
Fount of purest pleasure,
Truest Friend to me.
Ah, how long in anguish
Shall my spirit languish,
Yearning, Lord, for Thee?
Thou art mine, O Lamb divine!
I will suffer naught to hide Thee,
Naught I ask beside Thee.

6. Hence, all fear and sadness!
For the Lord of gladness,
Jesus, enters in.
Those who love the Father,
Though the storms may gather,
Still have peace within.
Yea, whate’er I here must bear,
Thou art still my purest Pleasure,
Jesus, priceless Treasure!