Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 10/29/20

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1

Lunch Today – Chicken Patties

Supper – Mac & Cheese and hotdogs

Lunch Tomorrow – BBQ Meatballs


?Watch today’s Chapel Address


Varsity VB: Open Gym today from 4:50-5:20 pm. Player vans leave for Augusta at 5:30 pm.

Regional Champs T-shirts: If you ordered a t-shirt please pay for it in the office.

Cross Country Runners: Be sure to turn in your CLEAN uniforms, warm-ups, and gaiters to the office.

Fall/Halloween Bake Sale: Each day this week in the Commons over the lunch hour the Banquet Committee will be taking orders for bake sale items (to be delivered Monday). Bring cash! Parents, if you want to order please email for more info.

Spider Cookies 1/$0.75 or 3/$1.00 Trick-or-Treat bags $1
Halloween Bark $1.00 Cake Pops $1.00
Witch Brownies 2 for $1.50 Harvest Muffins $0.75

Boos (messages) $0.75, $1.00 if you want to include a picture

The Flash staff will meet on Friday at 12:45 pm in AC120. Please be on time. (It is not too late to join!)

Early Supper (4:45 pm) on Friday before the Fall Party.

Pumpkin Carving Contest & Fall Party on Friday: If you would like to be part of it, bring your carved pumpkin ready to be judged! The party starts at 6:00 pm on Friday, October 30th. The pumpkin contest, 9-square, and dodgeball will all start right away. The Scare Trail will begin as soon as it is dark (probably around 6:30). Following the Scare Trail will be a movie. If you want to watch the movie please be one of the first groups through the trail. Guessing that will start around 8:45. If you do not want to watch the movie, please be one of the last groups on the Scare Trail- that way we can start the movie ASAP. Mason did send out an email about the movie, be sure to complete the form. THANK YOU!

Turn your clock back 1 hour before you go to sleep!

The Student Council meeting time has changed due to the musical practice schedule. We will have our Student Council meeting in AC120 from 7:00-7:30 on Sunday instead of the previously scheduled time. Please find a sub if you cannot attend yourself. Thank you.

Picture Re-takes will happen on Wednesday from 12:00 – 12:30 pm in AC121. If you missed the first picture day, or if you are unhappy with your photos, please stop by for your photo then.



Volleyball Schedule

Thursday, 10/29

Sectional Game vs. Potosi @ Augusta HS


Friday, 10/30 3:00-5:00
Saturday, 10/31 WIAA Sectional Game
Sunday, 11/1 Off


High School Musical, Jr. Practice

Time Pages Characters Involved
Thursday, 10/29  3:00-4:00  Speed Through  Everyone
Sunday, 11/1  8:00-9:20  AMAP  Everyone
Monday, 11/2  8:00-9:20  AMAP  Everyone



Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy