Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 4/15/21

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. – Romans 13:6-7

Lunch Today – Lemon Chicken

Supper – Hamburgers

Lunch Tomorrow – Taco Salad


~Watch today’s Chapel Address


Alert reader Beetimes2 wants to let you all know that today is Mrs. J’s birthday!

So Happy Birthday, Mrs. J ~ God bless your day!


It’s National Signing Day! Congratulations to ILHS senior Emma Miller who has committed to playing college basketball next fall! Tonight at 5:30 pm Emma will sign her Letter of Intent in the gym, and you are welcome to drop by to watch and congratulate her. God bless you as you pursue both your sport and your degree, Emma!


Pitchers and catchers only: These times will be inside and outside, depending on the weather. Bring suitable clothing and shoes for both.

Varsity 3:00-4:00

JV   4:00-5:00


ACT on Saturday.


Messiah Moving Help Saturday morning 9:00-10:30.



Softball  V Baseball  JV Baseball  Track & Field
Thursday, 4/15 Off  P&C 3:00-4:00   P&C 4:00-5:00  6:00-7:30 OG
Friday, 4/16 Off  P&C 3:00-4:00  P&C 4:00-5:00 6:00-7:30 OG
Saturday, 4/17 Off Off Off Off
Sunday, 4/18 Off Off Off 6:00-7:30 OG






Mon, 4/12 – Thur, 4/15 8:00-9:30 pm All Everyone
Sun, 4/18 6:30-9:30 pm All Everyone




Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy