Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2021-05-06 ILC Chapel — Our Guilt Has Been Removed

2021 Chapels -
Our Guilt Has Been Removed


Date : 2021-05-06
Speaker : John Pfeiffer
Psalm 32:3-4
When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer.

Hymn: TLH 652, st. 1 :
I Lay My Sins on Jesus — Organ Audio

1. I lay my sins on Jesus,
The spotless Lamb of God;
He bears them all and frees us
From the accursed load.
I bring my guilt to Jesus
To wash my crimson stains
White in His blood most precious
Till not a spot remains.