Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9


Week 1  Lunch/Supper
 Thursday   French Bread Pizza or Calzone/Chicken Patties
 Friday   Swedish Meatballs/Sloppy Joes


Student Counselor April Sydow will not be in for her usual office hours today.


High School students: tomorrow is your last day to add a class. Talk to Prof. Gullerud.


Boys Basketball Open Gym on Sunday from 1:00 – 3:30pm.


Activities Committee will meet on Monday at 12:30pm in AC111.


Tour Choir Auditions will be held after school on Sept 6 (Tues), Sept 7 (Wed), and Sept 9 (Fri). An informational e-mail was sent to everyone in choir. Check there for important details if you are interested. Ask Prof. Schaller if you have any questions.


Did you know you can find this information each day on Gradelink? Just log in and click on School News on your Dashboard if you aren’t taken there automatically. Get the Gradelink App on your phone – just scan the QR Code from any of the bulletin boards in the AC.


Add the Activities Calendar to your device!


Sports Schedule

 V Volleyball  JV Volleyball  C Volleyball  Cross Country  Soccer
 Wednesday, 8/24  3:00-5:00  4:00-6:00  6:00-7:30 4:00  3:00 BB field
 Thursday, 8/25  3:00-5:00  4:00-6:00  6:00-7:30 4:00  3:00 BB field
 Friday, 8/26  3:00-5:00  4:00-6:00  6:00-7:30 Off TBD
Saturday, 8/27  BRF Tournament 

Lv. 7:00am

A.M. TBA TBD 8:00am TBD
 Sunday, 8/28 Off Off TBD 4:00 TBD

