Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 10/9/24

Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father. But the one who confesses the Son has the Father as well.  – 1 John 2:23


Week 3  Lunch/Supper
 Wednesday  Lemon Chicken/Chicken Pot Pie Pasta
 Thursday   Stuffed Crust Pizza/Burrito Bowls
 Friday   Hot Ham & Swiss/Italian Hotdish
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog
PSAT Readiness Check: Those currently registered to take the PSAT test this Saturday, October 12th need to do a quick computer readiness check today from 12:30-1:00pm, or 3:00-3:30pm in the AC111 computer lab. If you can’t make either of these times, send Prof. Gullerud an email and he will try to set up another time with you.UWEC Volleyball Game: All VB players who are not ill will be attending the college volleyball game at the new Sonnentag Center. We will be leaving promptly at 6:30pm from behind the gym. To accommodate this outing, practice times today will be as follows:

Varsity 3:00-4:00
JV 4:00-5:00
C-team 5:00-6:00

Ruth’s Retreat Bible study and fellowship hour meets this evening in the AC Library from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. We’ll have a Bible study topic, music, and discussion. Come and bring a friend!

The PSAT will be taken on Saturday beginning at 8:00am in the AC.

Student Council: The first meeting of the high school Student Council will be held on Sunday evening, October 13, at 6:30 pm in AC122. If you are an elected class representative, you are expected to be there. If prior commitments prevent you from attending, you are responsible for finding a suitable replacement from your class. Thank you!


Fall Sports Photos will be taken on Monday, October 14th beginning with volleyball at 3:00pm in the gym. CC and Soccer will follow outside the gym.

Next Friday is the end of the 1st Quarter already! Be sure to work on any missing assignments and make-up work these next two weeks.

Trunk or Treat: Messiah’s youth group is hosting its first ever Trunk or Treat and we need your help! We are looking for many high school students to help us run games, serve snacks, and help with set up and clean up. The games will be simple to run and we will have instructions for you. Please sign up on the sign up sheet near the office if you can help. If you need a ride to the event, we can provide transportation. If you are also interested in decorating a trunk at the event you are more than welcome to sign up for that. You can scan the QR code on the poster or use this link Please talk to Erin Radichel or Val Hammett if you have any questions. We are so excited for this event and it will be a great success with your help!


Mary Poppins Rehearsal Schedule

 Time  Room  Whom  What
 Wed, 10/9  5:00-6:00  AC121 Sophia, Sam, Abigail, Josh, Eli, Audrey, Will, Ellie, Adalia, Alek Act 2 – Scenes 1, 5 
 Thur, 10/10  3:00-4:00  TBD TBD  TBD
 Fri, 10/11  5:00-6:00  AC121 Sophia, Sam, Abigail, Josh, Maggie  Act 2 – Scenes 2, 7 
Sun, 10/13  Library Sophia, Sam, Josh, Abigail, Step Ensemble  Step in Time 

Cross Country Schedule

 Cross Country
 Wednesday, 10/9 4:00
 Thursday, 10/10  Thorp Meet 
Lv. 2:30
 Friday, 10/11 Off
 Saturday, 10/12  Old Abe Invitational 
Lv. 8:45 for South MS 
 Sunday, 10/13 4:00

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy