High School Academic Program
Required Courses
No electives are required in grades 9 and 10; a minimum of 3.0 credits of electives are required for both grades 11 and 12 (A maximum
of .4 credits worth of music electives may count towards the total of 3.0).
* Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Consumer Economics, Spanish III, Journalism, Local & Modern History, and Computer II are taught
to both grades 11 and 12 in alternate years. Physics, Geography, Spanish III, and Journalism will be taught during the 2013-2014
school year. Chemistry, Consumer Economics, Local & Modern History, and Computer II will be taught during the 2014-2015 school
* While neither Physics nor Chemistry is required for graduation, we recommend at least one of these courses, since most colleges will require them for admission.
College-level courses are available in mathematics and science. To qualify for college mathematics, students must have successfully taken Precalculus or its equivalent. To qualify for college science, students must have successfully completed all available high school courses. High school credit is given for college-level courses; if college credit is desired, there is an additional tuition charge of $25.00 per credit. Permission from the high school principal, registrar, and academic dean is required.
Note: The availability of elective subjects is contingent upon student demand, the availability of teachers, and the schedule.