Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 12/15/23

Kings shall bow down before Him and gold and incense bring;
All nations shall adore Him, His praise all peoples sing;
To Him shall prayer unceasing and daily vows ascent,
His kingdom still increasing, a kingdom without end. – TLH 59 v.5


Week 4

 Friday   Chicken Patties/PIZZA PIZZA *Early!

Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog*New!

Concert at Messiah begins at 7:30pm and is open to all. Those involved in the concert should arrive for set-up and warm-ups at 6:15 (or earlier if directed) and be on the risers at 6:30pm.
Lost & Found: All lost and found items in the Dean’s Office are available for anyone on campus to buy at a cost of $1.25 per item today. Any items not claimed or purchased as of Saturday, December 16, will be donated to a charitable organization.


The Lost & Found table in the office is also up. Today you can buy any item for a quarter!


Want to stay active over break, but don’t have a gym or equipment? No problem! Try out these short, fun workouts. Each is ~35 minutes long – no equipment and not much room needed!


College Students: You are welcome to return to the office any textbooks you are finished with this week.


2nd Semester Elective Changes: If you would like to make a change to your elective courses 2nd semester, please talk with Prof. Gullerud this week.

Campus Parking During The Upcoming Break: If you are leaving or parking a vehicle on campus over the upcoming break please park your vehicle in the north row of the upper lot (row closest to the road by the pole and fire hydrant) if that row is filled, please use the lower lot east row (row by road coming down the hill).
Immanuel Baseball/Softball Jacket Order: Please speak with Prof. Lau or Mrs. Schaller if you would like one. Cost will be $70.

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy