Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 2/12/24

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. It does not brag. It is not arrogant. It does not behave indecently. It is not selfish. It is not irritable. It does not keep a record of wrongs. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Now try inserting your name in place of the word “Love” or “It”.


Week 2  Lunch/Supper
 Monday   Country Fried Steak/Walking Tacos
 Tuesday  Baked Ziti w/Meatballs/Sloppy Joes
 Wednesday  Turkey Bacon Melt/Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
 Thursday   Orange Chicken/McRib Sandwich
 Friday   Chicken Penne Italiano/Leftovers
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog

Weekly Winter Workout: Track season starts three weeks from today! Get ready for it – join us for a fun workout today at 4:00pm in AC121!

Mini Class Team final meeting today at 4:45pm in AC111.

Flute Choir will meet this evening at 6:15pm.

Men’s Choir will meet in the Music Room tonight at 8:00pm.

In His Word college-age Bible study meets Tuesday night in the student lounge area at the UWEC Davies Center. We’ll be studying Hebrews 2. Join us and bring a friend!


Local Barbershop Quartet The Heartstrings will sing for your Valentine’s entertainment on Friday from 12:10-12:40pm. Look for them at a lunch table near you.


Pre Order Your Valentines! The annual Banquet Committee Valentine’s Day fundraiser is back. Send that special someone your love on Valentine’s Day by selecting an item below for delivery on 2/14. Today is your last day to order (in the Commons from 12:15-1:00ish). Everyone needs to pay for their orders today, otherwise your Valentine won’t get their gifts.

 Brownies – $1.00  PJL Love Notes – $1.00 
 Cake Pops – $1.50  
 Rice Crispies – $2.00   Carnations – $2.00


Mini Classes This Week! Get ready for ending your week with Mini Classes! Make sure to check your schedule so you know where to be when. Also check the fee sheet to see what you owe and pay promptly! Prof. Roehl has emailed you all the information you need; your job is to go read the spreadsheets.

  • Breakfast Wednesday-Friday will begin at 7:00am and there will not be BOTG.
  • TOWNIES: If you are in Pies with Mrs. Roehl please bring a rolling pin. (Put your name on it.)


Can We Borrow Some Skates? We are looking for anyone who is willing to loan our students ice skates for our upcoming Mini Class this coming Thursday, February 15. If you have some skates and are willing to loan them out for the day, please label them with your name (and size, if it’s not evident) and drop them off at the Immanuel office by Wednesday, February 14. Thank you!

Tour Choir will sing at Morning Star Lutheran Church in Fairchild, WI this Sunday, February 18 at 8:30am as part of their Sunday morning service. See for the most current concert schedule.


Gym Use Schedule

Girls V  Girls JV Boys V Boys JV  Boys C 
Mon, 2/12  6:00-7:30 8:00-9:30  3:00-4:30  4:30-6:00  4:30-6:00
Tues, 2/13  3:00-4:30  4:30-6:00  Blair-Taylor (A)
Lv. 4:20
 Blair-Taylor (A)
Lv. 4:20
 Blair-Taylor (A)
Lv. 4:20
Wed, 2/14 3:00-4:30 4:00-5:00 Off Off Off
Thur, 2/15 C-FC (H)
C-FC (H)
3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 4:00-5:00
Fri, 2/16 Off C-FC (H)
7:15 {Senior Night!}
C-FC (H)
Sat, 2/17  8:45-10:30 Off Off 12:00-1:30
Sun, 2/18 12:00-2:00 3:00-4:30 4:30-6:00 6:00-7:30


Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy