Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 3/7/25

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Yes, he has also put eternity in their hearts, yet it is not possible for man to understand the work that God has done from beginning to end. – Ecclesiastes 3:11


Week 4  Lunch/Supper
 Friday   Turkey Gravy/Leftovers
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog

Girls Sectional Final! The girls basketball team will play Owen-Withee at North high school at 5:00pm on Saturday. We want to pack the stands in support of our ladies! Tickets go on sale at 10:00 am this morning: GoFan: (You’ll need to sign in to/create an account at the top right.) All tickets are $8 which includes all fees and are only sold online pregame.  At the door, if available, by credit card only.  No cash. Spectators will enter at the main entrance (under the Husky on the roof). Doors open at 4:00pm.

According to North HS: “To assure both teams and their fans have the best experience possible, we tend to be very tight on following WIAA procedures, sportsmanship etc… Please make sure students are aware: We don’t allow props as part of any dress up themes (red solo cups, etc).  Handheld banners are OK, but they must be appropriated.  Flags are not allowed.

Rushing the court at the end of the game is not allowed. Students and fans are allowed on the court after both teams have time for postgame meetings with their respective coaches and for the presentation of awards.

Only credentialed photographers are allowed near the court during game play.  All others must take pictures from the bleachers.”



Daylight Saving begins this Sunday morning at 2:00a.m. So make sure you turn your clock *ahead* an hour when you go to bed Saturday night. (Cell phones should automatically update.)


Tour Choir will give their first concert of the year in Millston this Sunday beginning at 11:00am. Find their full schedule here.

Have you seen some keys? If you have seen a lanyard with roses printed on it holding a keychain with fob, keys, a wolf, and a fox please turn it in to the office or give it back to Olivia. Thank you!
Player of the Week: Immanuel’s Gabi Radichel is a finalist for the Player of the Week! Go to this site to vote for Gabi once each day.
Volunteer spots still open THANK YOU to all of you who have already signed up to help!! For the rest of you, we still need a few more volunteers! Please sign up at the links below, or contact Steve Sydow ( Sign up here if you can help with scoreboard or reffing, sign up here to video, or here for the canteen.
Re-enrollment Reminder: Parents please re-enroll your students for next year ASAP. After re-enrolling you will be prompted to enter a new student if you have one coming up for the first time. This must be done from a desk/laptop computer, not the app. Thank you!




 Ellie, Natalie, Kayla, Anna


 Assrt. Director and Stagehand Scenes (pgs. 5-6, 33-34, 49-50, 75)

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy