Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 8/31/23

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. – Proverbs 13:20


Week 2

 Thursday   Chicken Patties/Personal Pan Pizzas
 Friday   Chicken Penne/Leftovers

Link to Google Classroom           YouTube Channel


Activities Committee meeting Friday in AC111 at 12:40pm. Come join us if you’d like to help plan and throw the Newcomer’s Party!


Sand Volleyball is happening this Sunday at 1:00pm on our court near the baseball field. Check your email for the sign up link to get onto a team, and/or just come down on Sunday and join the fun!


Tour Choir Auditions will be held on Sept 5-6 (Tues-Wed) following Labor Day weekend. Men’s Voices: Tues (9/5) 3-6pm. Women’s Voices: Wed (9/6) 3-6 pm. Room 122. No appointment necessary. You can walk-in anytime during those hours and audition. The audition takes about 10 minutes. You will be asked to: 1. Repeat musical phrases that are played for you. 2. Sing a hymn verse of your choice in your voice part (accompanied) 3. Sing your voice part from the provided audition piece (unaccompanied) 4. Sight read a basic vocal line (unaccompanied). The audition piece is John Rutter’s “What Sweeter Music” (Measures 1-50). Copies are on the credenza by the office. Audition music does not need to be memorized.


Chapel Speaker – Pastor emeritus John Schierenbeck is our guest speaker for chapel today and plans on sharing God’s word in chapel regularly throughout the year. He was a pastor in a number of our CLC congregations and the President of the CLC for a number of years. He is the father of Professors Jeffrey and Daniel Schierenbeck. He is also the brother of Barb Pfeiffer in the office. Thank you to Pastor Schierenbeck for sharing the Word of God with us.


Labor Day Weekend Meal Times:

Saturday – Brunch 10:30/Supper 4:30

Sunday – Breakfast 7:30/Lunch 11:45/Supper 5:45

Monday – Brunch 10:30/Supper 4:45

Please plan accordingly.

Practice Schedule

 Varsity VB 



Cross Country


 Thur, 8/31 


Whitehall Quad

Lv 3:25

 CFC Invitational 

Lv. 3:15


Fri, 9/1






Sat, 9/2





Sun, 9/3

Open Gym 3:00-5:45


 Mon, 9/4 5:00-6:15 6:15-7:30 Off 8:00am


Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy