2009-02-24 ILC Chapel — The value of the new…
The value of the new Academic Center is not in the halls and walls but rather in the Word taught there.
Date : 2009-02-24
Speaker : Professor John Pfeiffer
Psalm 127:1 (Listen)
Unless the Lord Builds the House
A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon.
127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
Hymn: TLH 640, st. 1,3,4: God the Father, Son and Spirit
1. God the Father, Son and Spirit, Ever-blessed Trinity,
Humbly now our thanks we offer All unworthy though we be,
Freely you have showered blessings Countless as the
ocean’s sands,
Blessings rich and overflowing On the labors of our hands.
3. Grant that we your Word may cherish And its purity retain.
Lord, unless you are the builder, All our labor is in vain.
Keep us from all pride and boasting, Vanity and foolish trust,
Knowing that our work without you Soon will crumble into dust.
4. God of grace and love and blessing, Yours alone shall be the
Give us hearts to trust you truly, Hands to serve you all our
Lord, bestow your future blessing Till we join the
heav’nly host,
There to praise and serve you ever, Father, Son, and Holy