2011-01-12 ILC Chapel — Lay everything in the hands…
2011 Chapels -
Lay everything in the hands of Jesus. Use the forgiveness that is ours through Him.
Date : 2011-01-12
Speaker : Professor Paul Schaller
Acts 7:59 (Listen)
59 And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
Hymn: TLH 97: Let us all with Gladsome Voice
1. Let us all with gladsome voice
Praise the God of heaven,
Who, to bid our hearts rejoice,
His own Son hath given.
2. To this vale of tears He comes,
Here to serve in sadness,
That with Him in heaven’s fair homes
We may reign in gladness.
3. We are rich, for He was poor;
Is not this a wonder?
Therefore praise God evermore
Here on earth and yonder.
4. O Lord Christ, our Savior dear,
Be Thou ever near us.
Grant us now a glad new year.
Amen, Jesus, hear us!