2011 Chapels Last chapel clicked = 2016-04-01-ilc-chapel-work-righteousness-is-the-wr...Other Years:2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 - 2011Go to Month:Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date -- ThemeTextSpeaker2011-12-16 ILC Chapel — God’s revelation of Jesus shows that He wants to save us. Judges 13:23 John Ude2011-12-15 ILC Chapel — Don’t fall into the trap of spiritual blackmail. Focus on Christ’s payment for our sins. 2 Timothy 2:19 Mark Teifel2011-12-13 ILC Chapel — How do you spell relief? Jesus! His yoke is easy. It puts us on the track to heaven. Matthew 11:28-30 Steven Sippert2011-12-12 ILC Chapel — Salute the Happy Morn Luke 2:1-20, Revelation 19:4-7, 21:1-4 Paul Schaller2011-12-09 ILC Chapel — 2011 ILC Christmas concert highlights: Immanuel come, Immanuel came, Immanuel come againJohn Reim2011-12-08 ILC Chapel — Jesus’ hands bring healing, joy and blessing so we do not need to fear the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:28-31&John 10:28-30 John Pfeiffer2011-12-07 ILC Chapel — Our sin causes fear in the presence of God, but fear not for unto you is born a Savior, Jesus! Judges 13:22 John Ude2011-12-02 ILC Chapel — Jesus brings perfect relief by removing our sin. Matthew 11:28-30 Steven Sippert2011-12-01 ILC Chapel — Symbols of Christianity: the Advent Wreat: Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, Christ Micah 5:2&John 3:16&Luke 2:20&Luke 2:14&John 1:29 Mark Kranz2011-11-30 ILC Chapel — Jesus is the joy set before us. Luke 2:8 Paul Schaller2011-11-29 ILC Chapel — Seasons and days of Joy? Yes, everyday, because of salvation through Christ! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 John Reim2011-11-28 ILC Chapel — Why are we still here? We are here by the grace of God. We are here to share the knowledge of our Savior with others. Psalm 145 John Pfeiffer2011-11-24 ILC Chapel — Think with the Spirit and we will thank with the Spirit. Malachi 4:4-6 John Ude2011-11-23 ILC Chapel — God has prepared for judgment day. Follow His plan, Jesus. Jesus has done it all for you. Matthew 25:31-34,41 David Ude2011-11-21 ILC Chapel — Beware of satan’s deceptions. Cling to God’s Word. Genesis 3:1 Mark Teifel2011-11-18 ILC Chapel — Sharing the gospel and spreading God’s Word is the job of every believer. 1 Peter 2:19 Steven Sippert2011-11-17 ILC Chapel — God does what we can’t understand. Mark 4:28 Paul Schaller2011-11-14 ILC Chapel — Give God thanks in everything! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 John Reim2011-11-12 ILC Chapel — We have hope when we remember the steadfast love of God. Lamentations 3:21-33 John Pfeiffer2011-11-11 ILC Chapel — God has brought a sunset on the proud and wicked and a Son rise on those who believe and trust in His Son Jesus. Hezekiah 4:1-3 John Ude2011-11-08 ILC Chapel — Through faith in Christ we belong to God forever by grace through the power of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13-14 Steven Sippert2011-11-07 ILC Chapel — Jesus puts His name on us through baptism Mark 3:16-19 Paul Schaller2011-11-04 ILC Chapel — Eternal life is given through Christ, never earned by our own works. Ephesians 2:8-9 John Reim2011-11-03 ILC Chapel — In sports teams often try to win by deception. The devil also will try to decieve you. Thanks be to God that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. 2 Corinthians 11:14&1 John 3:8 Mark Kranz2011-11-02 ILC Chapel — Wrestle with God by clinging to His Grace alone. Genesis 32:24-28 John Ude2011-11-01 ILC Chapel — Be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you. Romans 1:17 John Pfeiffer2011-10-28 ILC Chapel — Build your faith and life on the fireproof Word of God 1 Corinthians 3:10-13 Steven Sippert2011-10-27 ILC Chapel — Objective or universal justification: because of Jesus sacrifice God has declared all are forgiven.John Pfeiffer2011-10-26 ILC Chapel — The reformation is about salvation through Jesus without our works. Luke 2:6-7 Paul Schaller2011-10-25 ILC Chapel — Jesus not only died to pay for our sins but also lived a perfect life in our place. Romans 5:19 John Reim2011-10-24 ILC Chapel — Life is easier if we focus Jesus and our heavenly goal. Colossians 3:2&1 Peter 1:3-9 Ron Roehl2011-10-22 ILC Chapel — Jesus has prepared us for His return. Luke 17:22-30 Peter Evensen2011-10-21 ILC Chapel — Don’t try to manipulate God. Trust in His promises. Malachi 3:10&Hebrews 11:6 John Ude2011-10-18 ILC Chapel — Jesus is number One! Colossians 1:15-18 Steven Sippert2011-10-17 ILC Chapel — The only requirement to have a job in God’s kingdom is to be called. We have all been called to follow Jesus. Mark 2:14-15 Paul Schaller2011-10-14 ILC Chapel — Earthly wisdom is useful, but heavenly wisdom leads to eternal life with Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 John Reim2011-10-13 ILC Chapel — The Word of God is the primary source of hope. This world is temporary. Jesus earned eternal life for us. Romans 8:18-25 John Pfeiffer2011-10-12 ILC Chapel — Jesus timing is always right. We have resurrection through Jesus. John 11:17-27 John Lau2011-10-11 ILC Chapel — When we fail to honor Jesus for His redemptive gifts, we rob God and ourselves of His kingdom blessings. Malachi 3:8 John Ude2011-10-10 ILC Chapel — Don’t change the Word of God to make it your own. 2 Thessalonians 2:14-15 Mark Teifel2011-10-06 ILC Chapel — Rejoice because Jesus has conquered sin, death, and hell. Through Him we have peace with God. Philippians 4:4-7 Steven Sippert2011-10-05 ILC Chapel — God has made good choices for us. He chose to save us eternally. Mark 2:12 Paul Schaller2011-09-29 ILC Chapel — We need God’s Word for salvation. Don’t let wants distract. Luke 10:42 Mark Kranz2011-09-28 ILC Chapel — Our hope is not in the Law. Our hope is in righteousness by faith in redemption through Christ. Galatians 5:1-6 John Pfeiffer2011-09-27 ILC Chapel — Only Christ’s cross can cleanse our filthy hearts. Zephaniah 3:13-14 John Ude2011-09-26 ILC Chapel — God gives us gifts through the means of grace, the gospel in word and sacrament. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 Matt Ude2011-09-23 ILC Chapel — God wants us to pray as THE sinner, redeemed by Christ. Luke 18:9-14 Ron Roehl2011-09-22 ILC Chapel — True friends bring us closer to Jesus. Mark 2:3-5 Paul Schaller2011-09-21 ILC Chapel — Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are part of the body of Christ. Use the gifts He has given you to spread His Word. 1 Corinthians 12:4,12-20 Todd Ohlmann2011-09-20 ILC Chapel — Our future and hope is salvation through Christ. 1 Thessalonians 2:19 John Pfeiffer2011-09-19 ILC Chapel — It is the same world out there… In Christ we can rejoice! Zephaniah 3:8,15 John Ude2011-09-15 ILC Chapel — Don’t play God. Psalm 46:8-11 Steven Sippert2011-09-14 ILC Chapel — Jesus uses His strength and control to save and give peace. He has compassion on all fallen humans. Mark 1:40-41 Paul Schaller2011-09-13 ILC Chapel — We need the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the Holy Wind that brings us to Christ. He enables us to proclaim Jesus our LORD. 1 Corinthians 12:3 John Reim2011-09-12 ILC Chapel — Our hope is secure in the LORD’s thoughts toward us through Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 John Pfeiffer2011-09-09 ILC Chapel — Never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of God. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2 John Lau2011-09-08 ILC Chapel — Don’t get trapped in the quicksand of doubt. Rely on Jesus’ solid promises. Habakkuk 2:4 John Ude2011-09-06 ILC Chapel — Wisdom from God is a gift along with righteousness through Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:30 Steven Sippert2011-09-02 ILC Chapel — Jesus healed us all from sin and gave us the authority to be called the children of God. Mark 1:35 Paul Schaller2011-09-01 ILC Chapel — Do you want to live forever? Your baptism gives you eternal life through Jesus in heaven. Romans 6:3-4 Mark Kranz2011-08-31 ILC Chapel — Thanks to Jesus that though we were lost, He came to bring us back to God. Matthew 18:10-14 John Reim2011-08-29 ILC Chapel — We humble ourselves under the gracious God that saved us and works all things for our eternal salvation. Habakkuk 1:12 John Ude2011-08-25 ILC Chapel — By grace God chose us and delivered us from the power of darkness. Don’t take your citizenship in His kingdom for granted. Continue in His Word. Colossians 1:12-14 Steven Sippert2011-08-24 ILC Chapel — Jesus Christ makes the difference in our lives. He brings peace with God through the gospel. Mark 1:1 Paul Schaller2011-08-23 ILC Chapel — The Word of God restores the spiritual power disrupted by satan. Stay connected to God’s Word! Hebrews 4:12 John Reim2011-08-22 ILC Chapel — Christ and His gospel is the first and only hope of the earth. Titus 1:1-2 John Pfeiffer2011-05-20 ILC Chapel — Be filled with the Holy Spirit not the spirits of the world and satan. Ephesians 5:18-19 John Ude2011-05-19 ILC Chapel — We rely on Jesus for our life, resurrection, and the faith to believe this. Continue in His Word to strengthen our faith. John 11:25-26 Mark Teifel2011-05-17 ILC Chapel — May 21, 2011, Judgement Day? Jesus says that we don’t know when it comes, but that we should always be ready to meet Him by staying in His Word. Matthew 24:36,42,44&John 14:2,3 Steven Sippert2011-05-16 ILC Chapel — Jesus’ words of blessing trump all sins and sorrows. He is with us always, where ever we go. Luke 24:50-51 Paul Schaller2011-05-14 ILC Chapel — Jesus knows our sinfulness, but He speaks peace to us in the gospel. We are justified by His blood. He is with us always. John 14:27-28 John Reim2011-05-13 ILC Chapel — Blessed are those that hear the Word of God and keep it. Peace is established with God. Jesus is risen! Nahum 1:15 John Ude2011-05-10 ILC Chapel — Christ and Anti-Christ Daniel 7:13-28 David Lau2011-05-09 ILC Chapel — In Christ, every day is a winning day. Even our death is a victory! 1 Corinthians 15:56-58 Steven Sippert2011-05-08 ILC Chapel — Where were you when you first heard of Jesus’ resurrection? This is the day the LORD has made! Luke 24:1-8 Paul Schaller2011-05-05 ILC Chapel — Jesus is with us always! Daniel 3:19-25 Paul D. Nolting2011-05-03 ILC Chapel — How can I find God and reality? Reality is in Christ as revealed in His Word. Nahum 1:3-8 John Ude2011-05-02 ILC Chapel — God distinguishes clearly between good and evil. We are to confess our sins to Him. He has forgiven us for Jesus’ sake. Let us not remain silent when we have an opportunity to share the gospel. Psalm 51:3&Romans 1:16 Mark Kranz2011-04-28 ILC Chapel — Christ is risen! Our salvation is secure in Him. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Steven Sippert2011-04-27 ILC Chapel — How long does Easter last? John 21:1 Paul Schaller2011-04-25 ILC Chapel — Sacrifice Hebrews 13:15 John Pfeiffer2011-04-20 ILC Chapel — We are assured of hope by the humiliation of the Servant of the LORD on our behalf. He took our place and paid the price of our sins. Zechariah 11:12,13 John Ude2011-04-19 ILC Chapel — Praise and thank God for our salvation. Psalm 30:11-12 Mark Teifel2011-04-16 ILC Chapel — Where did the time go? Spend your time on earth with Jesus in His Word. Luke 24:29 Paul Schaller2011-04-14 ILC Chapel — We don’t rely on our senses. We rely on God’s Word to show the truth. 2 Corinthians 4:18&2 Corinthians 5:7 Steven Sippert2011-04-13 ILC Chapel — Despite turmoil and troubles, the saints of God will inherit the kingdom through Christ. Daniel 7:15-22 David Lau2011-04-11 ILC Chapel — Fellowship is based on confession in words and actions. 1 Samuel 16:7 John Pfeiffer2011-04-08 ILC Chapel — Jesus became human so that He could overcome eternal death for us. Hebrews 2:9 David Pfeiffer2011-04-07 ILC Chapel — Bow the knee at the foot of the cross for Jesus alone supplies forgiveness. Zechariah 11:4 John Ude2011-04-05 ILC Chapel — Satan is our enemy. He will attack our faith, but God is on our side to save us. Luke 22:31-34 Steven Sippert2011-04-04 ILC Chapel — Jesus shows Himself to be the Son of God by asking the Father to forgive even those who crucified Him, even us. Luke 23:32-34 Paul Schaller2011-03-31 ILC Chapel — God’s promises are sure. He promised a Savior, and Jesus came and fulfilled this prophesy. Isaiah 53:4-9 John Reim2011-03-30 ILC Chapel — Avoid false doctrine. Be wise toward good and simple toward evil by growing in knowledge of God’s Word. Romans 16:17-20 John Pfeiffer2011-03-25 ILC Chapel — TGIF/TGFF, Thank God for Good Friday, because on that day Jesus finished the payment for our sins. John 19:30 John Reim2011-03-24 ILC Chapel — Our King Jesus came to save us, now let us serve in His kingdom to thank Him. Take care of eachother. Do it for Him. Mark 10:43-45 Steven Sippert2011-03-23 ILC Chapel — What is on your feet today? The gospel of peace is the shoes of the whole armor of God. Stand on God’s Word. Walk as children of Light. Ephesians 6:11-13 Paul Schaller2011-03-22 ILC Chapel — Follow Jesus’ example. Pray for humility and the desire to sacrifice yourself for others. Philippians 2:3:11 John Pfeiffer2011-03-11 ILC Chapel — Jesus has broken the wall of separation between us and God. Ephesians 2:14-18 David Pfeiffer2011-03-10 ILC Chapel — The proof of God’s love for us is found in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Jesus calls us to get in step with His Word. Micah 7:18-20 John Ude2011-03-08 ILC Chapel — Nebuchadnezzar was powerful and proud, but God humbled him. Daniel 4:28-37 David Lau2011-03-07 ILC Chapel — The righteousness of Christ is a free gift. Don’t treat that gift lightly. 1 Corinthians 11:27&Romans 4:4-5 Steven Sippert2011-03-04 ILC Chapel — Be a gift from God. Open your heart to share and show the grace of God in Christ. Ephesians 5:18-20 Paul Schaller2011-03-03 ILC Chapel — ILC choir: God so loved the world. God’s Son loved the world. ILC choir John 3:16 John Reim2011-03-02 ILC Chapel — Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are mortal sinners, but also of our salvation through Jesus. Job 42:6&Isaiah 61:1-3 John Pfeiffer2011-03-01 ILC Chapel — Differences cause conflict. Have compassion for each other as God has compassion for us through Christ. 1 Peter 3:8-9 Mark Kranz2011-02-28 ILC Chapel — Stay in step with Jesus’ death and resurection. Hear His Word. Micah 1:2 John Ude2011-02-25 ILC Chapel — Like Moses and Elijah,keep your eye on the goal, eternal life with Jesus. Luke 9:29-31 Paul Schaller2011-02-24 ILC Chapel — We serve God because of His love for us in Christ. We serve Him by doing His will as found in the Bible. Romans 12:1-2 Steven Sippert2011-02-22 ILC Chapel — Ichthys: Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior. Abide in His Word to keep us in the faith 1 John 4:14-15 John Reim2011-02-21 ILC Chapel — It is good to be holy, holy set apart from sin, into the family of God through Christ. Jesus has separated us from our sin. Reflect the righteousness in your life. Leviticus 19:1 John Pfeiffer2011-02-18 ILC Chapel — Your Christian Life: Adulthood. Invest in the long term, eternal life in heaven through Jesus. Matthew 6:19-21 David Pfeiffer2011-02-15 ILC Chapel — When doubts assail us God brings reassurance through His Word. Only Jesus can be our sin eraser. John 1:43-51 Steven Sippert2011-02-14 ILC Chapel — Love is commitment to, focus on, and spending time with the object of that love. Treasure the gifts God has given you, especially, His Word and our Savior. Ephesians 5:25 Paul Schaller2011-02-11 ILC Chapel — Apostolic, Nicene, and Athenasian Creeds are sumaries of our Christian faith. They present, prevent, and cement 1 Timothy 3:16 John Reim2011-02-10 ILC Chapel — Don’t try to fill the gap between our human reason and God’s will and ways. We can’t know why some turn away from His truth. Philippians 2:13&Matthew 23:37&John 8:31-32 John Pfeiffer2011-02-09 ILC Chapel — We don’t set out to sin against God. Look up to Jesus in thankful love for saving us. Hold His gospel justice in your heart. Micah 6:6,8 John Ude2011-02-08 ILC Chapel — Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream shows the dangers of pride. Thanks be to Jesus for saving us from this sin too. Daniel 4 David Lau2011-02-07 ILC Chapel — All of God’s promises are and will be fulfilled. His Word remains true. Joshua 21:43-45 Mark Teifel2011-02-03 ILC Chapel — Cling to and defend the doctrines of Objective Justification and Election Acts 13:38-49 Steven Sippert2011-02-02 ILC Chapel — Jesus brightens every dark day. 2 Peter 1:16-17 Paul Schaller2011-02-01 ILC Chapel — When we pray in Jesus name, we are committed to His mission of salvation.. Philippians 4:8&John 14:13 Mark Kranz2011-01-31 ILC Chapel — Build your lives on God’s Word. Put it into practice every day. Matthew 7:24-27 John Reim2011-01-28 ILC Chapel — Why do people reject God’s truth? Pride greed, misplaced love are all temptations to forsake God’s truth. 2 Timothy 4:3 John Pfeiffer2011-01-27 ILC Chapel — This is your life in Christ, Graduation. Psalm 62:2&Ephesians 4:12-16 David Pfeiffer2011-01-26 ILC Chapel — Your life is the LORD’s. Live it for Him in thankful love for Jesus. Micah 6:6-7 John Ude2011-01-24 ILC Chapel — The Bible is truth. Romans 3:4 Steven Sippert2011-01-21 ILC Chapel — Side affects, what are the side affects of our adoption by the Father through Jesus? Matthew 5:16 Paul Schaller2011-01-20 ILC Chapel — We have a light as bright as the star that guided the wise men. We have the Bible, God’s Word, to guide us. Psalm 73:24&Matthew 2:6 John Reim2011-01-19 ILC Chapel — The Holy Spirit teaches us what we need to know through the Word. Matthew 28:18-20&2 Peter 1:21&2 Peter 1:20&1 Corinthians 2:9-20 John Pfeiffer2011-01-18 ILC Chapel — God’s word and comand are above any human comand. God is able to deliver and will deliver believers to eternal life. Daniel 3:16-18 David Lau2011-01-17 ILC Chapel — Be epiphanized to behold His glory John 1:14 John Ude2011-01-13 ILC Chapel — In a time of transition and trouble, rejoice. Trust the LORD. Philippians 4:4 Mark Teifel2011-01-12 ILC Chapel — Lay everything in the hands of Jesus. Use the forgiveness that is ours through Him. Acts 7:59 Paul Schaller2011-01-11 ILC Chapel — Believe: The benefit of believing is directly proportional of the object of that belief. John 3:14-16,18,36 John Reim2011-01-10 ILC Chapel — Are you prepared for the coming year? Yes, because God holds us in His right hand. Psalms 73:21-26 John Pfeiffer Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Sixth test announcement. The title is displayed on the home page. 2012 Chapels