Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

2017-10-17 ILC Chapel — Thank God for preserving His…

Thank God for preserving His Word among us. Make the most of opportunities to study and share the Word at ILC and elsewhere.


Date : 2017-10-17
Speaker : President Steven Sippert

2 Timothy 2:2

and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men,1 who will be able to teach others also.


[1] 2:2 The Greek word anthropoi can refer to both men and women, depending on the context


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Hymn : TLH 283 : God's Word is our Great Heritage link

1. God’s Word is our great heritage 
And shall be ours forever; 
To spread its light from age to age 
Shall be our chief endeavor. 
Through life it guides our way, 
In death it is our stay. 
Lord, grant, while worlds endure, 
We keep its teachings pure. 
Throughout all generations. 

2017 Chapels -