2023-03-31 ILC Chapel — Christ’s Silence Fulfilled Our Deliverance
2023 Chapels -
Christ’s Silence Fulfilled Our Deliverance
Date : 2023-03-31
Speaker : Paul Agenten
Mathew 26:54
How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?”
Hymn: TLH 364, st. 1,2,3,5,7 : How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
1. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
2. It makes the wounded spirit whole
And calms the troubled breast;
‘Tis manna to the hungry soul
And to the weary, rest.
3. Dear name! The Rock on which I build,
My Shield and Hiding-place;
My never-failing Treasury filled
With boundless stores of grace.
5. Jesus, my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend,
My Prophet, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.
7. Till then I would Thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath;
And may the music of Thy name
Refresh my soul in death.