School News 12/17/24
He becomes the Lamb that taketh sin away and for aye full atonement maketh.
For our life His own He tenders, and our race, by His grace, meet for glory renders. – TLH 77 v.6
Week 1 | Lunch/Supper |
Tuesday | Beef Stroganoff/Breakfast for Dinner |
Wednesday | French Dip/Italian Hotdish |
Thursday | French Bread Pizza/Leftovers |
Friday | Taco Salad/Pizza! Pizza! |
Link to Google Classroom YouTube Channel What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog |
Study Sessions today: There will be study sessions for the following classes today in AC122: English 9- 4:15-5:00pm, History 10 5:30-6:30pm.
Pickleball will be played in the gym on Wednesday at 3:00pm. Come down to learn how to play, or to hone your skills!
Advent Service at Messiah on Wednesday at 1:00pm and 6:30pm. Students can get a ride in the vans which depart at 6:00pm from behind the Commons.
Christmas Party: Come down to the gym Thursday at 7:00pm for games and refreshments. Stay (or join us) for the candlelight service to close the evening’s festivities. Parents and friends: the Activities Committee is looking for donations of snacks and drinks for the Christmas Party. If you would like to help, treats can be dropped off at the office any day until 4:00pm, or brought directly to the Commons at party time.
Awards: Audrey, Leah, Gabi, and Cheyenne received their volleyball awards at a banquet in Madison on Sunday sponsored by the Wisconsin Volleyball Coaches Association. Congratulations, ladies!
From our Athletic Director: “It was announced that Immanuel was awarded the WIAA Fall Sportsmanship Award for volleyball. This is the second time that we have been recognized for this award. It does matter how you act in public and during competitions. As the AD, I cannot express how grateful I am for the way you have carried yourselves on the court and in the stands.”