Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 2/26/25

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessgentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the spirit, let us also walk in step with it. – Galatians 5:22-25


Week 3  Lunch/Supper
 Wednesday  Lemon Chicken/Garlic Parmesan Chicken Bake New!
 Thursday   Stuffed Crust Pizza/Burrito Bowls
 Friday   Hot Ham & Swiss/Italian Hotdish
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog


No Counseling hours on Wednesday – Steve is out of town Wednesday, but he’ll be back on Friday – with your furry friend!


Students Workers – It’s the 26th! You know what that means . . .


Softball Sign-Up and Meeting – An informational meeting will be held Monday, 3/3 at 2:55pm in the Library. Come if you’re interested in finding out about softball and come if you plan to play. (The sign-up sheet is at the front desk if you already know you’re playing.)




Robotics Team please make sure you get your Planned Absence forms and permissions in before you leave on Thursday. If friends of Robotics would like to watch their competition this weekend, the webcast will be live on Friday and Saturday. The schedule and stream can be found here: If you would like to attend in person they will be at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.


Traveling VBS is a program of the CLC Mission Board which connects willing kingdom workers with CLC congregations across the United States in need of helping hands. Eight congregations have already reached out for help so far!  There are a variety of ways you can serve: teacher, recess or craft help, local canvassing, etc. Congregation members are delighted to host you for the week and show you local attractions on your downtime. The TVBS program covers your travel expenses. You could volunteer on your own, together with a friend, or accept the challenge as a family mission adventure. E-mail for more information!


Lost & Found: Have you lost lunch tickets? If so, come to the office and describe where/when/what you have lost and we’ll see if we can match you up with what has been turned in.

Play Rehearsal Schedule

Wednesday  2/26 5 – 6 Josh, Anna, Aidan, Natalie, Will AC 121 Act 1, Scenes 5 – 6

Basketball Practice Schedule
Basketball Game Schedule – Boys, Girls, Both

Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy