Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
Eau Claire, WI

School News 5/8/24

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. – Titus 3:4-7



It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week!
Take a moment to show your teachers your appreciation!


Week 1  Lunch/Supper
 Wednesday  Taco Salad/Breakfast for Supper
 Thursday  Teriyaki Chicken/Pulled Pork Sandwich
 Friday  Field Day Cookout!/Corn Dogs
Link to Google Classroom       YouTube Channel       What’s Happening at Immanuel Blog
Gym Use, Practice Schedule and More!


Senior Class Trip today. Have fun seniors!


Ascension Service on Thursday evening at 6:30pm at Messiah. All those going to the games/meet on Thursday should join the devotion at 1:35pm in the gym. All of our vans will be at sports-related events that afternoon and into the evening. Therefore, we will not be able to offer school-provided transportation to the service. If you’d like to attend church you will need to find your own ride (Prof. Gullerud has offered to drive up to seven students) or you can always watch the live stream of the service, available on the Messiah website.

Field Day is this Friday!!


Mother’s Day is coming this Sunday. (Don’t say you didn’t have time to come up with a special something for your mom!)


Faculty Tea will be held for the seniors in Ingram Hall beginning at 1:00pm on Sunday.


Spring Piano & Organ Recital  This Sunday at 3:00pm in the gym.


WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Festival Results  Last Saturday, over 900 music students from western Wisconsin came to the UWEC to be heard by specialized judges who gave ratings and verbal and written feedback.  All of the students from Immanuel performed in the Haas Fine Arts Center with the rest of the instrumentalists.  Individuals performed in classrooms and groups played in the large choir and band rooms.  All four events from from ILC (and one from Messiah School) received excellent and very good ratings.  Congratulations to Emma Larson and Natalie Gurgle on their flute solos, The ILC Flute Choir–Laura Schaller, Cheyenne Wales, Natalie Gurgel, Kenzie Koenig, Leah Thompson, Emma Larson and Katy Rosendahl, and David Kelly-saxophone solo.


Finals Schedules are available on the credenza outside the office and here.


Did you remember to GET OFF WORK for finals week choir rehearsals and the concert next Friday night!?! If not, start finding someone to cover your shift!

Volleyball & Girls Basketball Camp sign up is available here on the ILC website. This is for grades 5-12 and will be held at Immanuel in June (BB) and July (VB). Registration deadlines are May 15th for BB and July 1st for VB.


Athletic Schedule
Outdoor practice times: Varsity teams 3:00pm, JV teams 5:00pm

Gym Use Schedule for inclement weather/poor field conditions:

 V Bball  JV Bball  V SB  JV SB  Track & Field
 Wed, 5/8  3:00-4:00  4:00-5:00  6:00-6:45  6:45-7:30 6:00-7:30 MHS
 Thur, 5/9
Devotion @ 1:35
Augusta (A) 
Lv. 3:25
6:45-7:30  Augusta (A) 
Lv. 3:25
 Bloomer (H) 
Lv. 3:15
  Mel-Min HS
Lv. 1:50
 Fri, 5/10  CFC (H) 
Lv. 3:45
4:00-5:00  CFC (H)
Lv. 3:45
6:00-7:00 Off
 Sat, 5/11  9:15-10:45  11:00-12:30  12:30-2:00 2:00-3:30  8:00-10:00 MHS
 Sun, 5/12  5:30-7:00 MHS




Athletic Calendar

Activities Calendar

Wellness Policy