2010-03-26 ILC Chapel — Jesus wore a crown of…
Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we could wear crowns of righteousness
Date : 2010-03-26
Speaker : Professor John Reim
2 Timothy 4:8 (Listen)
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.
Hymn: TLH 175, st. 1,3,4: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Hymnary.org— Organ Audio<br/ >
Audio Player1. When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride.
3. See, from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
4. Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were a tribute far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.