2010 Chapels Other Years:2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 - 2010Go to Month:Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date -- ThemeTextSpeaker2010-12-14 ILC Chapel — Grace, God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense 2 Corinthians 8:9 Steven Sippert2010-12-13 ILC Chapel — Salute the Happy Morn Luke 2:1-20, Revelation 19:4-7, 21:1-4 Paul Schaller2010-12-10 ILC Chapel — This is your life in Christ: Affirmation, Confirmation 2 Timothy 3:13-15 David Pfeiffer2010-12-09 ILC Chapel — ILC Choir, The Babe in ArmsJohn Reim2010-12-08 ILC Chapel — We are amazed that the Creator came to be our Brother and Savior. Hebrews 2:9-15 John Pfeiffer2010-12-06 ILC Chapel — The LORD must destroy evil to provide peace. Jesus came to destroy evil for us. Turn from the tumult of evil and cling to His grace. Numbers 24:17 John Ude2010-12-02 ILC Chapel — God’s evaluation of us is pass or fail. On our own our grade is “F”. Thank Him for Christ’s 100% perfection in our place. Romans 4:1-5 Steven Sippert2010-12-01 ILC Chapel — Show others your love for the gospel. Be different from the world, responsible to show your light to the world, and be influential with humility. Matthew 5:14-16 Mark Kranz2010-11-30 ILC Chapel — Jesus is coming again at the end of time. Be ready at all times to greet Him. Matthew 24:36-42 Paul Schaller2010-11-24 ILC Chapel — For 50 years the LORD has been blessing the CLC and ILC every minute of the years. Psalm 100:3&Hebrews 3:1 John Pfeiffer2010-11-23 ILC Chapel — The gospel is a life or death matter. Hold fast to God’s Word. Colossians 3:16 John Pfeiffer2010-11-22 ILC Chapel — We don’t deserve grace. Thank God that He gives it to us. Jonah 4:1 John Ude2010-11-20 ILC Chapel — 2010 Church Anniversaries, it is only by the grace of God, through His Word, that a church remains faithful to the Truth. 1 John 2:24-27 Steven Sippert2010-11-19 ILC Chapel — The Christian’s life in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit in baptism. Titus 3:5-7 David Pfeiffer2010-11-18 ILC Chapel — Thank God for His “family feeling” toward us. 1 John 3:1 Paul Schaller2010-11-17 ILC Chapel — Refresh your souls with the pure water of Jesus’ word, uncontaminated by human reason. John 4:13-14&John 8:31-32 Mark Teifel2010-11-16 ILC Chapel — How would you reform today’s Christian church? It was God that guided the Reformation. Be faithful to God’s word. 1 Corinthians 4:1 John Pfeiffer2010-11-15 ILC Chapel — Chief of sinners though I be Jesus shed His blood for me. Jonah 4:9 John Ude2010-11-11 ILC Chapel — Plead guilty before the LORD in repentance, and receive grace and peace from Him in Christ. Micah 4:3 John Ude2010-11-10 ILC Chapel — A Christian’s life in Christ: Why has God put me where I am? Titus 3:4-7 David Pfeiffer2010-11-09 ILC Chapel — We need the peace that comes from God and that we get through Jesus. Philippians 4:7 Paul Schaller2010-11-08 ILC Chapel — Christians pray when adversity comes. God will deliver. Psalm 50:15 John Reim2010-11-01 ILC Chapel — Are you worth your salt? Matthew 5:13-16 Mark Kranz2010-10-21 ILC Chapel — Every Christian is grounded in the Word of God. Acts 17:11-12 Steven Sippert2010-10-20 ILC Chapel — Live by faith in Jesus our Savior, not by human logic. Ruth 1:14 Paul Schaller2010-10-19 ILC Chapel — Judgement day is coming. Through faith in Christ as we continue in His Word we are ready. Matthew 24:36-44 John Reim2010-10-18 ILC Chapel — We all will die. The promise of the gospel in God’s Word is eternal. Forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation is ours through Jesus. 1 Peter 1:24 John Pfeiffer2010-10-15 ILC Chapel — Survive a famine of the Word, by clinging to Jesus and His Word with a repentant heart. Amos 8:11 John Ude2010-10-14 ILC Chapel — God gave His Word in the Bible over a long period of time. He will preserve His Word forever. Matthew 24:35&2 John 1:2 Steven Sippert2010-10-13 ILC Chapel — Coupon books and earthly life expire, but the Word of the LORD in the Bible is endures forever. His Word promises life eternal through Christ. 1 Peter 1:23-25 Steven Sippert2010-10-12 ILC Chapel — Departing from God’s Word produces spiritual decay. Don’t let the weasel words separate you from the love of Christ. Amos 8:1 John Ude2010-10-11 ILC Chapel — We have the promise of resurrection in Christ. John 11:20-27 John Lau2010-10-08 ILC Chapel — We have a priceless treasure waiting for you through Jesus. 1 Timothy 6:8&Matthew 25:34&Matthew 7:7 Mark Kranz2010-10-07 ILC Chapel — God reveals His secrets to us through the Bible. The greatest secret being the gospel of salvation through Jesus. Daniel 2:23,30 David Lau2010-10-05 ILC Chapel — Staying in God’s Word gives assurance that we are His. 1 John 2:3-11 Ron Roehl2010-10-04 ILC Chapel — The power of John the Baptist was the power of the Holy Spirit in the gospel. Mark 1:4-8 Paul Schaller2010-10-01 ILC Chapel — In His Word God clearly lays out the path of righteousness through Jesus and in response for His love. Jeremiah 6:16 John Pfeiffer2010-09-30 ILC Chapel — Jesus bought us back through His sacrifice even though we are unfaithful. We are His people. Hosea 3:1 John Ude2010-09-29 ILC Chapel — Where will your life take you? God knows our ways. Our destination is heaven through Jesus. Psalm 1:6 John Pfeiffer2010-09-28 ILC Chapel — We have the answer to life’s most challenging questions: Jesus! 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 John Reim2010-09-24 ILC Chapel — God has victory over evil and we are saved through Him. Psalm 2:1-9 John Hein2010-09-23 ILC Chapel — Learn to know and rely on God. Proverbs 3:5-6 Paul Schaller2010-09-22 ILC Chapel — 99.99% isn’t good enough for God. Only the 100% perfection of Jesus is enough to save us. James 2:10 John Reim2010-09-21 ILC Chapel — God provides watchmen to shout out the good news of the gospel. Isaiah 52:7 John Pfeiffer2010-09-20 ILC Chapel — Abound in holiness by faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2 John Lau2010-09-17 ILC Chapel — What is your batting average? Hosea 1:10 John Ude2010-09-16 ILC Chapel — Do we have an identity crisis? Not when we remember our identity through Christ. 1 Peter 2:9 Steven Sippert2010-09-15 ILC Chapel — Develop your talents to do God’s will in thanks for your salvation. Matthew 4:3-4 Paul Schaller2010-09-14 ILC Chapel — True love is that Jesus was willing to sacrifice for us even though we were His enemies. Romans 5:7-10 John Pfeiffer2010-09-13 ILC Chapel — Rely on the promises of the faithful and strong I AM Exodus 4:1 John Ude2010-09-10 ILC Chapel — The power of a few, of two or three. It is the power of God makes few strong in His Word. Matthew 18:15-16,19-20 Steven Sippert2010-09-09 ILC Chapel — God uses trouble to bless us. Numbers 21:7-8 Paul Schaller2010-09-07 ILC Chapel — Strengthen your relationship with God through His Word, make it personal and relevant. Deuteronomy 6:7-9&Deuteronomy 11:26 Mark Kranz2010-08-31 ILC Chapel — God uses the little things in life to train us to do His will. Even Christ started His life as a child. Luke 16:10 John Pfeiffer2010-08-30 ILC Chapel — Not “Who am I?”, but rather “You, Father, are my way, truth, and life.” He is our Who. Exodus 3:11 John Ude2010-08-29 ILC Chapel — God gives food for our souls that is free, satisfying, and life sustaining. Jesus paid dearly to buy it for us. Isaiah 55:1-3 Steven Sippert2010-08-25 ILC Chapel — Jesus teaches us to pray Luke 11:1-13 Paul Schaller2010-08-24 ILC Chapel — Follow God’s building plan for you. Use His building tool, His Word. Jude 1:17-21 John Reim2010-05-26 ILC Chapel — ILC Commencement Psalm 25:1-10&Proverbs 16:9 John Pfeiffer2010-05-21 ILC Chapel — A small step with the Spirit is a giant leap toward heaven. Zechariah 4:10 John Ude2010-05-20 ILC Chapel — In Christ crucified we see the object of our faith and the assurance that we are reconciled to God. 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 Mark Teifel2010-05-18 ILC Chapel — The Holy Spirit teaches us everything we need for salvation through the means of grace. We remain faithful to the Truth when we stay connected to the Word. John 14:26 Steven Sippert2010-05-17 ILC Chapel — At the close of the school year, ILC sends the students out, with prayer that God will bless their mission in life. Acts 13:3-4 Paul Schaller2010-05-14 ILC Chapel — Christ’s ascension gives lift to our lives, both temporal and eternal. Hebrews 7:25-26 John Reim2010-05-13 ILC Chapel — CLC History: Christ rules as our Prophet, Priest, and King we can trust in Him. Mark 16:19 David Lau2010-05-12 ILC Chapel — Satisfaction does not come from things in this world. I comes from our Creator God through Jesus our Redeemer. Eclesiastes 12:1 John Ude2010-05-10 ILC Chapel — Our enemy, the devil, condemns us, but Christ paid our debt and redeemed us to God. Jesus is our advocate. Romans 8:31-35 Steven Sippert2010-05-07 ILC Chapel — Let the love of Christ motivate us to feed His lambs the gospel. He will strengthen our love for Him through His Word. John 21:15 Paul Schaller2010-05-06 ILC Chapel — The LORD’s to do lists. Item one Praise the LORD. Psalm 150 John Reim2010-05-05 ILC Chapel — Love of others more than ourselves is good. Jesus loves others more than His own life. Galations 5:16-18 John Pfeiffer2010-05-04 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC chapter 20, The changing times. Hebrews 13:8 David Lau2010-05-03 ILC Chapel — Our map to heaven is Jesus. Beware of other paths. John 14:1-6 Seminarian2010-04-30 ILC Chapel — The music we listen to influences how we think. The words do matter. Evil words can set traps for our souls. James 3:4-5 Mark Kranz2010-04-29 ILC Chapel — Jesus gives us the way to heaven, the faith to believe, and defense against evil. He does this through His Word. John 10:7-10 David Pfeiffer2010-04-28 ILC Chapel — Despite the trouble in this world we have peace with God through Christ who lives though he died to save us. Daniel 10:19 John Ude2010-04-26 ILC Chapel — Jesus is the boss of us. His authority is confirmed by His resurection. He leads and blesses us through His Word. Romans 14:7-9 Steven Sippert2010-04-23 ILC Chapel — We are all visitors in our life on earth. Heaven is our home. God provided us our way home through Jesus. Hebrews 11:8-10 Paul Schaller2010-04-22 ILC Chapel — Who is the Lord taking to the banquet. Revelation 19:6-9 John Reim2010-04-21 ILC Chapel — From the beginning God planned to save us by the suffering, death, and resurection of Jesus. Luke 24:26-27 John Pfeiffer2010-04-20 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC: Chapter 19, Churches with Schools Ephesians 6:4 David Lau2010-04-19 ILC Chapel — Sin can’t be treated as if it doesn’t matter. Thanks be to Jesus for cleansing us. Isaiah 6:5-7 John Ude2010-04-16 ILC Chapel — The armor of God will protect us from the temptations of the devil Ephesians 6:11-18 Mark Teifel2010-04-15 ILC Chapel — Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is the best leader to follow. He knows you and cares for you. John 10:11-18 Todd Ohlmann2010-04-13 ILC Chapel — God our govener has pardoned us. Christ has paid our debt. Ezekiel 18:20&Romans 4:5 John Reim2010-04-12 ILC Chapel — With Jesus’ blessing everything with work for spiritual good. The purpose of everything is to prepare us for His work. John 21:3-4 Paul Schaller2010-04-09 ILC Chapel — Kicking against rules is indeed kicking against God. Jeremiah 6:19 John Pfeiffer2010-04-08 ILC Chapel — The law shows us that we are all sinners and doomed, but the gospel shows us that Jesus has paid for those sins. Romans 3:23&Romans 6:23&Ephesians 2:8 Seminarian2010-04-07 ILC Chapel — Jesus is sitting on the throne Isaiah 6:1 John Ude2010-04-06 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC Chapter 18: God continues to enable ILC to teach His Word Psalm 78:5-6 David Lau2010-04-01 ILC Chapel — God doesn’t play jokes with our salvation. John 13:5-16 Mark Kranz2010-03-30 ILC Chapel — Our salvation was truely and fully complete when Jesus said, “It is finished.” John 19:30 Steven Sippert2010-03-29 ILC Chapel — Jesus death brought light and direct access to the Father Luke 23:44-46 Paul Schaller2010-03-26 ILC Chapel — Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we could wear crowns of righteousness 2 Timothy 4:8 John Reim2010-03-25 ILC Chapel — The coming of the Son on Judgement Day will be joy for believers and calamity for the unbelievers. Malachi 4:1-2 John Pfeiffer2010-03-24 ILC Chapel — Jesus brings true peace not through force but the gospel Zachariah 9:9-10 David Pfeiffer2010-03-23 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC: Doctrinal Controversies Galations 2:11 David Lau2010-03-12 ILC Chapel — Remember Jesus and His words. John 16:4 John Ude2010-03-11 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC: Chapter 16, the CLC mission to India Philipians 1:12 David Lau2010-03-10 ILC Chapel — Moses’ veil is taken away in Christ. Christ removed the condemnation of the old covenant. 2 Corinthians 3:4-4:6 Steven Sippert2010-03-09 ILC Chapel — Jesus gives us the right to be called children of God. (recording cut short at 2 minutes) Luke 22:70-71 Paul Schaller2010-03-08 ILC Chapel — Tour Choir, The One: Lamb of God John 1:29 John Reim2010-03-04 ILC Chapel — CLC History Chapter 15: working with 8 church groups in Africa Acts 14:27 David Lau2010-03-03 ILC Chapel — Keep your eye on the cross of Jesus. Joshua 4:20 John Ude2010-03-01 ILC Chapel — Look for inspiration in the Word and share that inspiration with others. 1 Timothy 1:15 Mark Kranz2010-02-26 ILC Chapel — Jehovah, God deserves full credit for creation and for what He has done in us and through us. Isaiah 42:8&2 Corinthians 5:21 Steven Sippert2010-02-25 ILC Chapel — Jesus was at one with the will of His Father. Let us always try to follow His will too. Luke 22:49-51 Paul Schaller2010-02-24 ILC Chapel — Don’t let problems in your life block your view of Jesus’ love and power. Matthew 14:28-32 John Reim2010-02-22 ILC Chapel — How do we evaluate others in the light of faith in Jesus? Jesus loves and died for them. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 John Pfeiffer2010-02-17 ILC Chapel — Christian apologetics is useful, but only the power of the Holy Spirit through the means of grace can bring faith. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 Steven Sippert2010-02-16 ILC Chapel — Human love compared to God’s love for humans. Romans 5:10&Jeremiah 31:3 John Reim2010-02-15 ILC Chapel — You are “in the faith” if you believe all that Jesus taught. 2 Corinthians 13:5 John Pfeiffer2010-02-11 ILC Chapel — The history of the CLC, chapter 14: Two of the 68 member congregations. St. John’s of Okabena, MN and Messiah of Eau Claire, WIDavid Lau2010-02-10 ILC Chapel — Take a mini-class with Jesus every day. Matthew 11:28 Paul Schaller2010-02-09 ILC Chapel — The book of Joshua, a picture of Jesus’ passion history. Christ, our greater Joshua has won our inheritance. Joshua 1:4-5 John Ude2010-02-08 ILC Chapel — God told everyone His game plan, and it played out as He said. Jesus won the victory for us. Luke 24:25-27 Steven Sippert2010-02-05 ILC Chapel — What shall we do with Jesus? He is God’s Son. Hear and do His Words. Mark 15:6-13 Paul Schaller2010-02-04 ILC Chapel — Fill the air waves with your prayers and praises to God through Jesus our Redeemer. 1 Peter 3:10-12 John Reim2010-02-03 ILC Chapel — Live with faith in our Savior. Jesus has made heaven our home. Hebrews 11:33-40 John Pfeiffer2010-02-02 ILC Chapel — Jesus has power over death. He has taken away our sins. The winter of death is past. John 11:15-25 David Pfeiffer2010-02-01 ILC Chapel — Continue in God’s word so that you can grow spiritually and rise up as eagles in His service. Isaiah 40:31 Mark Kranz2010-01-29 ILC Chapel — Confess our rebellion and selfishness. Turn to Jesus for salvation. He will clothe you in every blessing of His grace. Joel 2:13 John Ude2010-01-27 ILC Chapel — The History of the CLC, Chapter 13: Our relationship with other Lutheran church bodies. 1 Corinthians 1:10 David Lau2010-01-26 ILC Chapel — The problem with gambling is that it is rooted in sin. On calvary Jesus set free from that sin. Thanks be to Him. Psalm 24:1-3&2 Corinthians 8:9 John Pfeiffer2010-01-25 ILC Chapel — Jesus’ words get to the heart of the matter. He brings reconciliation with God. Luke 4:16-21 Paul Schaller2010-01-19 ILC Chapel — God shows no partiality but also great mercy through Jesus. James 2:1-7&Romans 2:9-11 John Reim2010-01-12 ILC Chapel — How far are you willing to go based on faith? Do as the wise men did. Numbers 24:17&Numbers 24:17 John Pfeiffer2010-01-11 ILC Chapel — Disaster comes because of sin. We all need to repent and rely on Jesus for salvation. He will restore paradise. Joel 1:2 John Ude2010-01-08 ILC Chapel — Jesus is always near us, and He is able to help. Mark 6:47-51 Steven Sippert2010-01-07 ILC Chapel — Satan was intent on destroying the forgiveness of God, but God protected Jesus and us. Trust in Him. Matthew 2:13&Matthew 2:19 Paul Schaller2010-01-06 ILC Chapel — Everything in this world will fail, but God never fails. Matthew 6:19&1 Peter 1:24&Zephaniah 3:5 John Reim2010-01-05 ILC Chapel — History of the CLC Chapter 12: January 10, 1963, the purchase of the Ingram estate, the site of the ILC campus. Psalm 126:3 David Lau2010-01-04 ILC Chapel — Peace on earth? Yes, Christ brought peace with God! Luke 2:14&Philippians 4:7 Vance Fossum Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 2009 Chapels This is a test announcement. The title is displayed on the home page.