2016 Chapels July 17, 2017September 20, 2021 by ilc 2016 Chapels Other Years:2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 - 2016Go to Month:Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date -- ThemeTextSpeaker2016-12-16 ILC Chapel — The ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God Isaiah 52:7-10 Sam Rodebaugh2016-12-12 ILC Chapel — Jesus comes to fulfill our debt. Luke 2:10-12 Steven Sippert2016-12-09 ILC Chapel — God’s Word paves the path into your heart Isaiah 40:1-4 Tom Naumann2016-12-07 ILC Chapel — Prepare for the coming of our LORD. Isaiah 40:3 & Isaiah 7:14 & Isaiah 9:6-7 & 2 Chronicles 29:1-9 David Lau2016-12-06 ILC Chapel — A day of infamy, the fall into sin. A day of victory, Jesus death on the cross. Romans 5:12-13 John Pfeiffer2016-12-02 ILC Chapel — Rejoice, do not fear, because Christ’s righteousness covers our sins Luke 1:26-33 Sam Rodebaugh2016-11-30 ILC Chapel — Live, laugh, love? Only through Christ! Luke 6:20-26 Stefan Sonnenfeld2016-11-29 ILC Chapel — Repent of idolatry and other sins Revelation 9:13-21 & Isaiah 9:15 John Ude2016-11-28 ILC Chapel — God’s Covenant of Grace Jeremiah 31:31-34 Steven Sippert2016-11-23 ILC Chapel — We are rooted in Christ Luke 23:27-31 Tom Naumann2016-11-22 ILC Chapel — Remembering to thank God 2 Timothy 3:2 John Reim2016-11-21 ILC Chapel — No Liberty in Law but Liberty in Christ Revelation 8:8-9 John Ude2016-11-18 ILC Chapel — Thanking the Lord for All Things at All Times Psalm 34 Paul Schaller2016-11-17 ILC Chapel — God’s Word is the ultimate authority. Mark 1:21-22 Paul Naumann2016-11-15 ILC Chapel — Satan’s tempting traps lead to destruction, but Jesus provids a way to escape. Matthew 18:7 & Genesis 3:5-6 & 1 John 2:16 John Pfeiffer2016-11-14 ILC Chapel — The image of God is found perfect in Jesus Christ John 12:1-8 Sam Naumann2016-11-11 ILC Chapel — Jesus has power over death John 11:43-44,1:4 Paul Schaller2016-11-10 ILC Chapel — Christ was elected to save the world through His death and resurection. Isaiah 42:1,5-8 John Reim2016-11-08 ILC Chapel — Why do you believe in Jesus Christ? John 5:31-40 Steven Sippert2016-11-07 ILC Chapel — The glory of God’s law exposes our sins, but the glory of His gospel shows Christ’s payment for those sins. Exodus 34:29-35 & 2 Corinthians 3:5,7-9 Grant Naumann2016-11-04 ILC Chapel — Senior Religion Students on SexualityJohn Ude2016-11-02 ILC Chapel — Christ’s kingdom endures forever 2 Chronicles 28:19-25 & Isaiah 7:9-14 David Lau2016-11-01 ILC Chapel — Keep us away from false doctrine. 1 Cor 1:10 Steven Sippert2016-10-28 ILC Chapel — One little word John 8:44 John Reim2016-10-27 ILC Chapel — Our Jesus Identification Matthew 16:13-16 Paul Naumann2016-10-26 ILC Chapel — Reformation Themed ReadingsJohn Ude2016-10-24 ILC Chapel — Justification is through faith in Christ’s redemption. Luke 18:9-14 Stefan Sonnenfeld2016-10-21 ILC Chapel — Meet the challenges of the world with God’s Word, taught at ILC. Proverbs 9:10 & Matthew 18:19 Ron Roehl2016-10-20 ILC Chapel — Jesus has called us by name John 1:49 Paul Schaller2016-10-19 ILC Chapel — We have eternal life through Christ, now and forever John 5:24 Steven Sippert2016-10-18 ILC Chapel — .999 pure: Not good enough. Only 100% pure through Jesus. James 2:10 & Leviticus 21:8 & John 8:46 & Philippians 3:7-12 John Reim2016-10-14 ILC Chapel — Treasure the truth of the gospel for life Revelation 8:1-7 & Habakkuk 2:20 John Ude2016-10-11 ILC Chapel — Reflect the reputation of Jesus in your life. Ecclesiastes 7:1 John Pfeiffer2016-10-06 ILC Chapel — Our hope is in Christ John 7:37-39 Paul Schaller2016-10-05 ILC Chapel — God wants us to help others 2 Chronicles 28:1-15 & Galatians 6:9 David Lau2016-10-04 ILC Chapel — Put powerful prayer to use Matthew 7:7-11 John Reim2016-09-29 ILC Chapel — Washed and Made Clean by the Blood of the Lamb Revelation 7:13-14 John Ude2016-09-28 ILC Chapel — Follow Out Leader John 6:1-14 Paul Schaller2016-09-26 ILC Chapel — Our bodyguards Psalm 91:11-12 John Reim2016-09-23 ILC Chapel — There’s No Such Thing as a Partial Christian James 2:1,5 Paul Naumann2016-09-22 ILC Chapel — Mysteries of the Kingdom of God Matthew 13:11 John Ude2016-09-21 ILC Chapel — I am loved John 3:16 & Romans 5:6–11 John Reim2016-09-20 ILC Chapel — Jesus is our anchor, our safe harbor Hebrews 6:17-20 John Pfeiffer2016-09-19 ILC Chapel — The Word of God gives strength and healing John 5:5-7 Paul Schaller2016-09-16 ILC Chapel — Reflect the light of Christ to the world Matthew 5:14-16 & John 1:9 John Reim2016-09-14 ILC Chapel — Winning through faith in Jesus our Savior 1 Corinthians 15:57 Ron Roehl2016-09-13 ILC Chapel — The miracle of faith in Jesus our Savior. Mark 4:26-27 John Ude2016-09-09 ILC Chapel — Jesus, winner of souls. John 4:4-7 Paul Schaller2016-09-08 ILC Chapel — Say Nothing and Let God Be God in Every Moment Psalm 46:10-14 Steven Sippert2016-09-06 ILC Chapel — Why? Because God says so. Romans 11:33-36 John Pfeiffer2016-09-02 ILC Chapel — God in His love brings troubles as a call to repentance. 2 Chronicles 28:1-8 David Lau2016-09-01 ILC Chapel — I Am Loved 1 John 4:8 John Reim2016-08-30 ILC Chapel — Why? Because God says so. Romans 11:33-36 John Pfeiffer2016-08-29 ILC Chapel — Our focus is on the Word of God in Jesus. John 3:26-30 Steven Sippert2016-08-26 ILC Chapel — Jesus is the perfect teacher. John 3:1-2 Paul Schaller2016-08-25 ILC Chapel — Apart or A Part? Jesus’ blood makes us a part of God’s kingdom. Ephesians 2:11-13 John Reim2016-08-24 ILC Chapel — God’s mercy through Christ never wears out. Lamentations 3:22-23 Paul Naumann2016-08-23 ILC Chapel — God’s grace is universal, for all. Christ redeemed everyone. Those who believe this are sealed. Revelation 7:1-4 & 2 Peter 3:9 & Ephesians 1:13-14 & Ephesians 4:30 John Ude2016-08-22 ILC Chapel — 144,000 represents God’s church of innumerable believers in Christ the Redeemer. Revelation 7:4,9,13-14 John Ude2016-08-21– Chapel Address – includes the installation of Professor Paul NaumannSteven Sippert2016-05-20 ILC Chapel — There is no substitute for or equal to God and His Word. Isaiah 40 John Ude2016-05-18 ILC Chapel — Pray that we do God’s work according to His will. Acts 13:3-4 Paul Schaller2016-05-17 ILC Chapel — Pack Up Your Treasures and Keep the Steadfast Love of God in Your Heart Proverbs 3:3 John Pfeiffer2016-05-16 ILC Chapel — His Steadfast Love Endures Forever Ecclesiastes 9:11 & Psalm 118 John Ude2016-05-12 ILC Chapel — Stewardship Matthew 6:33 Steven Sippert2016-05-11 ILC Chapel — He gave Himself for Me for He died for all. Acts 19:21-24 Paul Schaller2016-05-10 ILC Chapel — Jesus Warns Us of Persecution John 16:1-4 Seminarian2016-05-09 ILC Chapel — Road Signs: Food Ahead Revelation 19:6-9 John Reim2016-05-07 ILC Chapel — Isaiah’s Vision of the Lord Isaiah 6:5-7 John Ude2016-05-05 ILC Chapel — Where do you look for Jesus? MARK 16:1-7 John Pfeiffer2016-05-04 ILC Chapel — Do what is right in the sight of the LORD. 2 Chronicles 27:2-6 David Lau2016-05-02 ILC Chapel — Forgiveness and Restoration John 21:15-17 Tom Naumann2016-04-29 ILC Chapel — Be ready to meet Jesus Matthew 24:36,44 & John 14:2-3 Steven Sippert2016-04-27 ILC Chapel — Nourish your faith by daily hearing God’s Word. Ephesians 4:17-24 Ron Roehl2016-04-26 ILC Chapel — Jesus suffered in our place to save us. Zechariah 13:7-9 & Galatians 3:10 & Isaiah 53:5 John Ude2016-04-25 ILC Chapel — God Willing Acts 18:18-21 Paul Schaller2016-04-22 ILC Chapel — The Lord Has Keep Us (Poor Recording Quality: Loud Rainstorm) Psalm 121 Joe Naumann2016-04-21 ILC Chapel — His Resurrection: Reason to Rejoice! John 16:20-22 John Pfeiffer2016-04-20 ILC Chapel — Jesus’ new creation is perfect Isaiah 65:17-24 John Ude2016-04-18 ILC Chapel — God solved our biggest problem, sin, so He is willing and able to do everything we truly need. Isaiah 40:28-31 & Romans 8:31 Steven Sippert2016-04-15 ILC Chapel — Our confidence is found in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Acts 17:31 Paul Schaller2016-04-14 ILC Chapel — Yield Matthew 5:39 John Reim2016-04-13 ILC Chapel — Forgiveness Matthew 6:12 & Matthew 18:21-35 Ben Libby2016-04-12 ILC Chapel — Despite the sin in this world Jesus lives and reigns Isaiah 6:1,9 John Ude2016-04-11 ILC Chapel — Be prepared for everything by fixing your eyes of Jesus Hebrews 12:1-3 John Pfeiffer2016-04-08 ILC Chapel — God’s Word fitly spoken. Proverbs 25:11 Wayne Eichstadt2016-04-07 ILC Chapel — Only Jesus could be Prophet, Priest, and King. 2 Chronicles 26:16-23 David Lau2016-04-05 ILC Chapel — Trust the LORD to guide you through your life. Acts 16:6-10 Paul Schaller2016-04-04 ILC Chapel — Jesus brought peace, share that peace with others. John 20:24-29 Stefan Sonnenfeld2016-04-01 ILC Chapel — Work righteousness is the Wrong Way, but Jesus is the Right Way Galatians 2:16 & Revelation 14:1 & Galatians 1:6-9 John Reim2016-03-31 ILC Chapel — Put Away the Grave Clothes and Walk in Newness of Life Romans 6:4 & Colossians 2:13 John Pfeiffer2016-03-30 ILC Chapel — Calling the Shots John 14:27-31 Tom Naumann2016-03-29 ILC Chapel — Beautiful Feet Singing Praises Romans 10:15 & Isaiah 52:7 Ron Roehl2016-03-18 ILC Chapel — Jesus’ Humble Arrival Zechariah 9:9-10 John Ude2016-03-16 ILC Chapel — Peter’s account about his denial of Jesus Luke 22:61-62 Steven Sippert2016-03-15 ILC Chapel — If it pleases the Holy Spirit then it pleases us. Acts 15:28 Paul Schaller2016-03-14 ILC Chapel — We need Jesus to wash away the filth of our sins. John 13:1,3-11 & Philippians 2:6-8 Sam Rodebaugh2016-03-10 ILC Chapel — Repent and give glory to God Revelation 7:12 & 1 Corinthians 6:20 John Pfeiffer2016-03-09 ILC Chapel — God foretold Christ’s passion through Zechariah Zechariah 9:9-12 & Zechariah 11:12-13 & Zechariah 13:7-9 & Zechariah 14:4 John Ude2016-03-07 ILC Chapel — Give thanks to Jesus from your heart for His gifts to you. John 12:1-8 Joe Naumann2016-03-04 ILC Chapel — My sin is real and my biggest problem, but Christ has paid for that sin. (Worship Supplement 2000 page 28) Psalm 130:3-4 Steven Sippert2016-03-03 ILC Chapel — An Amazing Time on the Kingdom Road Acts 14:21-22 Paul Schaller2016-03-02 ILC Chapel — Uzziah Reigns in Judah – (brief microphone problem) 2 Chronicles 26 David Lau2016-03-01 ILC Chapel — Road Signs: One Way Acts 4:12 John Reim2016-02-26 ILC Chapel — Flee Complacency and Compromising Zechariah 13:7 John Ude2016-02-25 ILC Chapel — God’s Weighty Goodness, His Glory Exceeds Everything Exodus 33:19 John Pfeiffer2016-02-23 ILC Chapel — Judgment and Holy Justice Proverbs 17:15 Steven Sippert2016-02-22 ILC Chapel — Worship Supplement pg 5-6 & Lenten ReadingRon Roehl2016-02-19 ILC Chapel — Mini-Classes by Paul and Barnabas Acts 13:43-45 Paul Schaller2016-02-17 ILC Chapel — “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” John 5:1-15 Joe Naumann2016-02-16 ILC Chapel — Don’t Let Your Faith Atrophy Hebrews 12:5-12 John Pfeiffer2016-02-15 ILC Chapel — The Lord’s Road Signs: “On Ramp” Ephesians 2:13 John Reim2016-02-12 ILC Chapel — Faith of the Disciples John 2:1-11 Matt Ude2016-02-11 ILC Chapel — What Must I Do to Be Saved? Acts 16:25-34 Ben Libby2016-02-09 ILC Chapel — Wages Counted as Debt Romans 4:4-5 Steven Sippert2016-02-08 ILC Chapel — The Power of Jesus’ Word John 7:37-52 Sam Rodebaugh2016-02-05 ILC Chapel — Peter’s Dream Comes True Acts 12:11 Paul Schaller2016-02-04 ILC Chapel — Melting 2 Peter 3:12-13 John Reim2016-02-03 ILC Chapel — Sin of Pride 2 Chronicles 25 David Lau2016-02-02 ILC Chapel — Drawn to the Bread of Life John 6:35,41-51 Tom Naumann2016-02-01 ILC Chapel — Pray for Those in Authority Timothy 2:1-6 John Pfeiffer2016-01-28 ILC Chapel — Seven Pictures of Jesus (Responsive Reading) Revelation 1:12 John Ude2016-01-27 ILC Chapel — “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-4 Steven Sippert2016-01-26 ILC Chapel — Wishful Truths Romans 10:8-13 Ron Roehl2016-01-25 ILC Chapel — House of Mercy John 5:1-9,14-15 Joe Naumann2016-01-21 ILC Chapel — The Lord Is in Control of our History and Center of Worship Acts 11:20 Paul Schaller2016-01-20 ILC Chapel — God’s servant for your good. Romans 13:1,4 John Pfeiffer2016-01-19 ILC Chapel — Riders of Ruin Rev 6:3-8 John Ude2016-01-18 ILC Chapel — Life Changer John 4:13-15 Ben Libby2016-01-14 ILC Chapel — Faith Trusts Jesus with Our Earthly Life Also John 2:1-11 Matt Ude2016-01-13 ILC Chapel — Foolishness of Worshiping Idols 2 Chronicles 25 David Lau2016-01-12 ILC Chapel — Witnesses of His Grace Acts 10:24-48 Paul Schaller2016-01-11 ILC Chapel — Pass to Gain Access Eph 3:12 John Reim